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1503  Spirit explains communication through pressure

Spirit: This is a very good example of an introduction after the last speaker. Because what I have to tell you is very short, but it is something which is something totally different to what you have experienced so far. You have experienced colours and emotions, and vibrations, and sound healing and all sorts. But one you have not yet experienced is pressure. Now this is just another example of one particular race on a planet where communication is in the form of pressure. Now, on your world, you have bees, for example, that can send vibrations through the air, which can go from one bee to many others. You get birds which migrate to different parts of the world and back every now and then.


A lot of it is the magnetic pole, but a lot of it is the pressure that they feel from different parts of the planet. And what your scientists haven’t really worked out yet is the amount of pressure is so tiny that it is something which won’t be picked up for a long time to come. But if you can imagine, you have the example of you get a tiny bit of grit in your shoe, one grain of sand, and it sticks in your toe, and that tiny bit creates a lot of pain. The same sort of thing. That is a lot of pressure. So you can imagine the range of pressure is from one grit, a tiny piece of grit, down to nothing. That’s all that is needed for communication.


S: So, wow.


Spirit: Yeah. So, to get information across to others, there is so many… Look at it this way. Imagine it’s layers of paper, paper which is ultra-thin, and there are a million sheets of paper, and each sheet of paper is the equivalent of one word or one letter. So, for me to quickly riffle through it and send you a lot of different sheets, you will pick up a lot of language very quickly.


S: Shew.


Spirit: Makes your digital marketing look very primitive.


S: Oh, yes. Lol. Puts it to shame.


Spirit: So, that is another form. It is sensing in a way. Although it is pressure, it is sensing, being able to sense that particular pressure. A lot of your insects, bats, dragonflies, and even your, take your dolphins and whales, sending information backwards and forwards.


S: Yes.


Spirit: That is a sound and the sound is created through pressure.


S: Yes. Mmm, that is super awesome.


Spirit: One more for you to put into your book.


S: Absolutely. And sense and play more with that one. Lol.


Spirit: Lol. So, it is my turn to say thank you, and my turn as a visitor to say good night to you.


S: Thank you and good night.


Spirit: May I leave you with just one thing? I will give you a quick, if you like, a burst of pressure above your right eye as I leave and you will feel it. So, good night.


S: Goodnight, thank you.





S:We’ve had the most beautiful people coming to talk to us.


G: Yeah. And about the most amazing things as well.


S: Yeah. That pressure is amazing. But I mean that’s how they communicate. Yeah. It’s like, you know, to get that.


G: They’re just sort of showing us that the whole universe is much bigger than we see it.


S: Yeah.


G: Absolutely. Yeah. And what I’ve realized just in the last couple of weeks is. We’re not going to be able to teach people all of this. It’s just way too much. People have their own ideas.


S: Yeah.


G: And we couldn’t teach somebody else who’s not on our own level. Because they’ve got their way of thinking.


S: Yeah.


G: We can’t have people telling us that we’re wrong. It wouldn’t fit.


S: Yeah.


So you just have to put out there and people take what they want.


S: Yeah.


G: Amazing. Absolutely amazing.


S: Yeah. Amazing. Amazingly amazing.


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