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1518  Two big nature divas overseeing with memory and past, Earth covered with new divas for the change,

G: It seems like tonight is going to be about nature spirits. I started off by being underneath all these big yellow flowers, sunflowers. I was walking underneath them and they were almost twice as tall as me, so I was smaller as opposed to being big. And I started to do that just when Bailey (The dog) started.


We moved to the side of the road, it was like an old-fashioned English country road there, overlooking this field of sunflowers and there’s some vines there as well. And there’s these like wispy white apparitions, not a very nice word, but so it’s diva’s cruising across the vines.


And it’s all very harmonious, that’s the word. Everything sort of fits in nicely. It’s like you were saying, you see things where everything is all together as one. It’s a bit like that, it’s a very nice comfortable scene where all of nature is working together and I can feel these two big divas here, nature spirits. I can see that they’re sort of overseeing this whole area.


S: Overseeing everything, yeah.


G: And it’s very nice to be there. And I’m going to try and walk with them, or go into them to see if I can feel more. And they’re showing me that suddenly the whole earth in front of me, this whole field, has tiny nature spirits in. All literally shoulder to shoulder, covering all of earth.


S: Shew.


G: It looks like they’re just hatching, but I have no idea where nature spirits come from.


S: But they also said new nature spirits were coming for the changes.


G: Oh right.


S: Yeah.


G: Yeah, you quite right.


S: Because they would come down with the knowledge for what’s required for the change.


G: Ok, yes, that’s making a lot of sense. Now, these big guys, they’ve got all the memories, they’ve got what’s happened in the past, and they know how to adjust and change things and so on. The new guys are coming down, these are all the ones that are popping up right at the moment. They’re going to be absolutely new.


Because we don’t want them to start with the past history of what went wrong, etc. They’re going to start with, here is our land, we must do the right thing to fix it and to look after it the right way.


S: Oh my word.


G: So that way, then they progress the correct way.


S: Unlike humans, that need constant…


G: Yes.


S: Wow, that’s amazing. Because it’s natural, it’s nature, it’s natural.


G: Very much so, very much so.


S: That’s amazing.


Spirit: Yeah. Now, everything in nature will respond to this, because you’ve got the earth and the worms and the grubs and the moles and the little things in the ground and insects and so on. That’s all going to relate, because it gets this energy back from the nature spirits, give and take all the time.


S: And its new energy.


Spirit: Yeah. Now also, you know that you give and take with humans, the more you send out, the more it comes back. So, with the human race being more relaxed and on board, they’re going to get much nicer feeling from the country and from nature. And therefore, they’ll be much more intuitive as far as looking after the trees, the forest, the animals and…


S:..What’s required. Yeah.


G: Yeah. Absolutely. That’s very nice. Now, they’re showing me a huge amount of mist. Now, the mist is… The mist looks dirty. It’s sort of a greyish mist. Sort of dismal, not nice, etc. And I think they’re just showing us that it’s old mist. So, new mist. So, we have to find out how mist is created. I think mist is where you get two temperatures, hot and cold.


S: Yeah, hot and cold.


G: So, the earth is hot and the temperature is cold and that creates mist, okay. So, that makes sense. So, the new mist is now going to interact with these divas and the new earth and the new energy in the earth. And also, you have new energy in air as well. That’s why the mist is looking even whiter.


S: Yeah.

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