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1522 How the change will affect pets and animals

Spirit: Mmm. Now, I’m being shown an area where it’s like a big canyon. There’s lots of horses there. And I’m not suggesting that we give up cars and go back to horses. But there… Okay, this is the connection between humans and horses. That’s right. Okay, now you have stables, your horses become pets. They’re not free to roam wild, etc. And they become, let’s call it, westernized.


And as the breeding continues, the horse’s DNA will bring forward its past lifestyles. And new foes will be born with this understanding in their system. It’s like they’re bringing forward their memories. . Because at that stage, before they become human, this is what makes them who they are. So they’re bringing forward the memories of living in stables, being taught how to ride, having a saddle on their back and all this sort of thing.


Now, the idea of the horses in the canyon is that what they will feel out there with this change, you can imagine if you were a horse or with a group of horses, and you can see all the fields, the energies change in all the fields and the rivers and everything changes.


S: And they just run free.


Spirit: Yeah, run free, and then their eyes sparkle, their ears prick up. They have a totally different lifestyle.


S: And they say this is beautiful and they send that same energy out and it creates more.


Spirit: Absolutely, absolutely right.


S: Lol. Shew, what a beautiful energy.


Spirit: Lol. Yeah. So… Now your dogs and cats, what you don’t want is for them to revert back to the wild. They will always be pets. And the change that you need there is for them to be more content, just accept the new way of thinking. For them it’s pretty good. The majority have a very good lifestyle at the moment. There are always some that are abused, but we need to have that, as you know. And the majority are so looked after, so pampered, so loved, look at your two dogs.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So there’s no real change in need for them. They will be able to see the change in the humans, and they will change slightly without them. Just be slightly happier, that’s it, but not much at all. But we want them to continue to be in the western portion of their life, or in the western portion of the world.


S: So they can learn from humans.


Spirit: Yes, so they can transfer and they can become the first humans at a later stage. So, that’s your dogs and your horses. Birds, of course. They will feel this energy change very nicely. Now, birds are quite primitive, as far as the structure goes. They’re way back in the chain. They’ve got some very clever instincts and some very clever abilities. Basically they breed, they fly, they eat. But they do enjoy nature. And they’re going to enjoy nature even more. So your birds are going to be a little bit chirpier and happier.


S: And naturally raise the vibration.


Spirit: Yes.


S: Like monkeys.


Spirit: And they’re going to lay bigger batches of eggs. And be happier birds. Now, what have we missed out? Now with this new vibration, this new energy, the amount of people that will be meat eaters will lessen. You will always have a portion of meat eaters. But it will become more and more repulsive to the average person. To eat the flesh of another. This generation was all obviously brought up by having butchers and meat on sale, etc.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: But when you think of it, let’s just take a tribe of red Indians, for example, who are used to killing. Or better still, your bushmen, used to killing to eat. How they look after the animal, they sacrifice it nicely and they cut it up and so on. Imagine how they would look at our abattoirs.


S: I know.


Spirit: Where the animals are shot and..


S: Tortured.


Spirit: Basically, yes, tortured with such bad energy and so on. So the people are going to be more repulsed by eating meat. Put off eating meat. And they’ll eat more vegetables, which again are going to taste better, they are going to have a better energy. And meat, of course, is not going to be so good, because of the comparison between fruit and vegetable and heavy meat. That’s what they will see.


Fruits, of course, are going to be very good, they will improve quite a lot. Now you know how you say fruit in England, in the supermarkets there, the top quality is much better than here. That’s the sort of difference that you’ll experience over the next few years. With the new energy, fruit will be that much better all around. Game reserves, of course, will flourish.


Zoos will change quite a bit, as people want to see more animals in the natural environment than in a zoo. They will be more put off, seeing animals in cages, etc. So the quality of zoos will get better.


Overall, it’s just the basic way of thinking that is going to be improved by improving this little bit of nature and adding the energy to improve on everything that goes through. Improves everybody’s life, everyone’s outlook, and development, evolvement, everything.


I think that is enough ramblings for tonight.


S: Lol. Beautiful ramblings.


Spirit: I shall leave you now and I shall see if anybody else would like to talk to you.


S: Thank you.

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