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1525 Fear of darkness and others

Spirit: Now there is another energy that you haven’t really looked at so far, and that is simply night and day. Your daytime energy is very straightforward, because you can see what is going on, it’s all part of all the other energies, etc. But your nighttime energy adds in a new dimension. It’s the fear of darkness, and the fear of the unknown, what goes on in the dark, lol.


Now, a lot of negative energy can be created through nighttime energy.


S: Yeah, because we live through such vision, instead of senses.


Spirit: Yes.


S: We have lost that perception, because of our vision, and so we bring fear upon ourselves, and then we emit that energy.


Spirit: That’s very interesting.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: Mmm. So children who have the fear of darkness, what happens to them?


S: They emit all that energy, all that fear and the vibration goes out there.


Spirit: Mmm hmmm. They absorb it, and then they emit it.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: Okay. And so how do you change that?


S: White light.


Spirit: White light, very simple. How do you stop it happening?


S: How do you stop it happening? Me or with a child?


Spirit: With a child.


S: I’m going into energies again, but I would teach them about awareness. Just to close their eyes, and just be aware of all the energy around them. And just to smother themselves in white light, because nothing can get through white light.


Spirit: Ah, yes.  With a younger child, they’re easily manipulated. If you could convince them that there is a for instance, a nice teddy that looks after them, or a friendly dragon, that sort of thing.


S: Actually, that’s what I used to do. I used to bless a teddy and say, there’s your teddy, your safety bear.


Spirit: A safety bear. Okay.


S: Yeah, a safety bear. And then as you get older, and so you get them up to 8, 9, 10 years old.


S: Yeah, gees, why do we stop doing that?


Spirit: Hmm. Yeah. And what would you do with an adult, who is afraid of the dark? Same thing, give them a teddy bear. And to hug the teddy bear. Lol.


Spirit: Lol. Mmm, I don’t think they would fall for that.


S: Oh, come on. For an adult, I would teach them about white light. And that absolutely nothing can get through white light. And to breathe in peace, and breathe out all. There’s a fabrication of their mind.


Spirit: Yes.


S: And that their mind creates their reality. But in their mind, nothing is real. In their sense, everything is perception. In their mind, nothing is real. Your mind fabricates everything. 5% of your mind is real. So, just white light, and realising what they’re creating in their brains, which is a light.


Spirit: Yes, there’s a little bit more you can do. You can explain the white light, how that works, and that’s your safety, and etc, etc. But also you can give them some armor, if you like. You can tell them, visualize covering yourself with an orange light. So, you’re in a cocoon of orange, and outside that, you’ve got the white light. So, when you sleep, that orange is always there. And you can add in that you will always sense if there’s anything close by, your white light will sort it out. So, it just gives them a little bit of…


S: Extra comfort.


Spirit: Yes. A close white light, it’s like putting a big warm coat on when it’s cold.


S: And don’t make them feel like they’re going insane. Lol


Spirit: Yes lol. Quite right.


S: Lol. That’s beautiful.


Spirit: Yeah. A lot of people suffer from this. And it’s me because they’ve been told all these things that happen at night. You know, the burning man comes out at night.


S: Yeah, and it’s from childhood.


Spirit: Yes, from childhood, very much so. And from things like black magic, and werewolves from Dracula, all these children’s stories.


S: Yeah, and a lot of…  Like on these Facebook pages, where people, they feel like they’re being possessed, or this or that, or invaded.


Spirit: Yes.


S: So that will help.


Spirit: Yes, it’s a fear.


S: Balance them and protect them and whatever, because it is, it’s fear. It’s fear-based. 


Spirit: So, to get rid of any fear, basically what you’ve got to do is develop the opposite.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: whatever that fear is, you develop the opposite. That will nullify the fear.


G: I was just thinking what he said there about, you know, the opposite.


S: Mmm.


G: You know, create the opposite to nullify the fear. I’m just trying to think of some examples here. If I’ve got a fear of drowning, the opposite is air.


S: Mmm.


G: Okay, so that will make sense, so if I’ve got a fear of drowning.


S: It’s just energy, yeah.


G: I would simply be told that, don’t worry, you can hold your breath for long enough, you’ll go up to this surface or whatever. The opposite of, the fear of going… that makes sense.

 Now, if I’ve got a fear of heights, how would you get out of that? The opposite of that?


S: Look at the opposite, just give you land.


G: Give you what?


S: give you land.


G: Hmm, but you still have a fear of heights.


S: But it’s in your mind.


G: No, it’s a physical fear. You know, I suffer from it. If I lean out of a window, and it’s too high, my body will go weak. So the opposite of the way to portray the opposite of that is to say we don’t go near any edges of buildings or whatever, that’s your body looking after you. 


S: That’s your support, that’s your survival.


G: Yes, support system. Survival. Yes, finally. So yeah, right, that does make sense. Just go for the opposite.


S: The opposite is eventually just… analytically just to give you land, so it gives you the energy of land,  that you’re safe or whatever. But that’s your natural instinct of survival, is not to go near because you could fall off.


G: Yeah. Yeah, that’s very true, because you know, I’ve got this fear, and I won’t go near edges. But I’ve never fallen off the edge, so…


S: Yeah, you’re not going to fall.


G: Maybe it’s working. OK, I’ve tried to get rid of this two or three times. I’ve got a train coming towards me. I’m standing in the middle of a track, and there’s trains coming towards me. It’s very big and I’ve tried changing it, about three different trains.


Lol. Okay, they’ve got a sense of humor.


S: I was hoping so. Lol.


G: What we’ve been told for a long time, is we’ve got this long dark tunnel and at the end of it, it’s light. Now you hope it’s not a train coming towards you.  Lol.



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