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1608    Excellent chat about an energy that changes past memories.

G: Alright, I’m getting a blanket of white, and this white is like a very, very thick mist. But so thick you couldn’t see six inches in front of your face. I’m seeing it move through the trees, through the bush, etc. I can just see the tops of the trees sticking out. And all the trees are all pretty barren, there’s no green leaves there, but this blanket of white is just moving over everything. And it goes off into the distance, covering everything.


Now what I feel is that this is like another find of everything that’s been going on, so that we can start work on the new section. So this sort of wipes out all the ongoing learning and so on. And allows the people themselves to look for more information, so they can carry on evolving.


Spirit: What’s happened with all of these people, and why we’ve been rushing to compress the lessons, to get them to finish off their lessons, is so that we can be in the right position to move forward, as we were discussing yesterday. There are so many people with so many different levels, that we need to choose the right level to be able to move forward to the best advantage.


So this white is basically just making the division between the old and the new. It’s wiping out the memories of the people that were moving forward. And so the way they’re moving forward has suddenly been taken out of their minds, and now they’re going to learn a new way forward, starting from tomorrow.


It won’t be just from, of course, from the teachings that you do, but from the general energy that is around, the group energy, the small groups of energy, the small people of energy. It will be odd comments made by different people, and it will just be comments at the right time, which get people to start moving in a different direction.


Now, white means the canvas is clean again, it’s painted, but now you’ve got a totally clean canvas. The old canvas was a total mess. There was a lot of beautiful stuff happened, but it got too higgledy-piggledy in the end, and not uniform, and getting out of balance. So now we have a beautiful new canvas, and with the various levels that people are at, things will start to progress.


Now, you will be working on one specific level, just doing, as we’ve discussed, there will be lots of other people starting different levels and getting the ball rolling there. So you’re about to see a major change in what’s happening around the world. Now, you’ve been seeing everything going downhill, starting of course with the Russian-Ukraine war, what a disaster that’s become, and then the chaos, which is in all 110 countries at the moment, where people are rebelling and want change and so on.


Now, this is really, it’s a good thing in a way. Where you get a country where there is a major problem, what tends to happen is everybody sort of sits on one side and says, well, it’s just the government run the country and we’ll let them get on with it and so on. And every now and again we have elections and we get somebody else in power. But, nobody really puts themselves out, nobody really does too much about it, because it’s something which they think they can’t really control. But there’s an enormous amount of strength in a group of people who think the right way.


There’s lots of groups of people who are just too tired, or they believe the wrong way, or whatever. And all these are about to change. Now, what happens to make the change is when the people themselves, the bulk of the people get together and say, right, enough is enough. We haven’t got anyone, so we have to do it. And that we create a huge force.


They start to join together and they’re like sheep. And somebody starts leading them in the right direction and they all follow. And they take down the government. And the normal thing is, as you’ve seen on television and so on, they take down the government but there’s a lot of rioting, looting and so on, which are not the correct sort of people who are doing that, it’s the negative people who join in.


But when a country gets to that stage it just means change is imminent, it has to be done. Now, you’ve had the Arab Spring a few years ago. You’ve had various governments ousted in Europe, the Far East, South America. And people have seen what can be done. And now, where there is, this is sort of being acceptable, sort of acceptable, it’s been done in various countries. They’ve seen it done and they would do it in their own because they are just fed up.


So, when this starts, one country will see another country did that successfully and this is how they ended up and then they will do the same thing and so on and so on. So, in each country they have different ways of moving forward. Again, depending on the development of the country. Your first world countries, of course, far more developed. Then you’ve got the Ethiopian, the very beginner countries, if you like, where there is still major conflict and a lot of suffering, starvation, drought and so on.


Now, nature has also reached its limits. Now, nature of course looks after itself, but it’s in such an unbalanced state at the moment that you’re getting way too many fires, floods, droughts and so on. One extreme to the other, it’s just not balanced at all. This is also what needs balancing. So, what the people are about to see is this change happening.


First of all, a change in the people. They will see a change in nature. And they will see an improvement of everything and this will, they will tend to carry on walking that path. And therefore, more and more people can get in and educate them more. They’re more susceptible to, they’re more open to listening and they will listen more, they will progress more. And that’s how the change will continue from there.


So, this white mist will spread across, start spreading across the various countries. Not all at once, because that will be too much to handle. We need to do a few at a time and then you will see the changes in the various countries. And you’ll see these basically in the form of surprises. Where, let’s say, the government is ousted, but somebody who has tremendous talent will get into the government, will gain the respect of the people and therefore can direct the people to do the right thing.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: The people will recognize the energy that comes from that person. And that’s what will give them the belief that that is the right person. Not so much their ways of, their suggestions of running the government, of changing the country and so on. Purely their charisma.


S: Energy.


Spirit: Their energy, what they are seeing, yes, is the energy. Now, this leads us to the next stage of the healing that you will be doing. And you were quite right in your assumption and your sensing that what these people need is a simple amount of help. They are in dire situations now where there is no reliable space for them to go to where they can get comforting help. It’s all based on banks, money, loans, debts, etc. And very little on friendship, camaraderie, family, support and so on.


So, the people are very vulnerable at the moment and they are very concerned. And where this new energy comes about, where people help others and it just says to everybody, well there is somebody else in a similar position that will help and let’s just work together. Let’s just be together, we understand each other and we can work our way forward. We can move forward. So, this will happen in individuals and then go into small groups, and get into big groups and so progress will be made that way. So, you will be obviously led to what you must teach and how it will be done.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: There are basically two worlds operating at the moment. One world is your governments of all the different countries. They are working on that specific level. The second world is all the public. And I say two worlds because they have separated. They should be one. The government should be working for the people. That’s the whole idea. Democracy is the people elect the people they want to run the country. But it’s degraded so much so that there is corruption in almost every government. And it’s just become an accepted thing. And they have this feeling of it’s their due. They are in government, they are better than everybody else, and therefore it’s okay if they take a little bit extra because they deserve it. That’s the way they think. And they have lost the plot as far as being one huge family, one group. We all work together. That’s what is missing.


So, when you compare the group energies, and I’ll just say as an example that the government energy will be a negative and that the rest of the country would be a positive, you can see how one completely outweighs the other.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: So, it’s just a matter of them getting together and electing somebody they can believe in to take them forward. And that’s what will make it happen. As far as finances go, now we don’t get too involved in finances but finances are not as bad as is made out. The system that you use on earth is one very much of… It’s in control of a certain number of people, and these are basically your bankers. Money is sort of made for the bankers and their supporters and their followers.


 And whereas money should be exchanged and bartered and so on, and it would remain at a pretty stable rate if there weren’t any interest. Just more would be created in various ways, as more items were created and bought and sold and traded, etc. Because of interest, it’s created this greed factor, where things have a value.


And if you take a civilization, going back to the Mayans, Indians, the Red Indians especially, where you have your home, but your home doesn’t have a value, it’s simply a home.  And your home may be better than my home, or bigger or smaller, it doesn’t make any difference, it’s simply a home. And that is why they can leave it and move to another area and build another home. It doesn’t have that value.


And when you don’t have possessions, you don’t have value, you share the things that you have, then that does away with the majority of crime, and it does away with jealousy and envy and greed and all sorts of things. So everything relates down to money. And this country has got so money orientated.

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