Spirit: I am a visitor from…
S: Welcome. Where do you come from?
Spirit: I have come to explain your thoughts, and dilemma of alien species, and where they fit into your teaching. For me, I’m putting together many parts of history, of many regions, of many dimensions, of many species, to try and give you an overall picture to solve the problem, the concerns that you have.
If you’d like, you would consider me to be a custodian of many collections of memories. There are so many different, not just planets, not just species, not just dimensions, but experiments, lifetimes, life cycles. There is such a huge variety.
S: Mmm.
Spirit: So, what I would like to say to you is, if you can just imagine for one moment, your galaxy, let’s just say the Milky Way, as you know it, and if you can imagine that in your mind, and then imagine going to the left and to the right, other Milky Ways going for as far as you can see, until they are the tiniest of pin pricks in the distance, and the same going in front of you, and behind you, and so on, and everyone having the same scenario of having millions of different possibilities, and species, and life styles, and developments and all sorts.
So, that’s how big it is. What I want you to do now is just forget all of that. We narrow it down to what’s important to you is just simply what’s happening on this Earth at the moment. The species that are around here, the species that are with you, the species that are altering, trying to alter your development, all play a part, and they’re all part of the evolving of your particular planet.
I’m going to take an example that this person actually used today to describe the Earth, because it was an example that we gave him. South Africa is developing, and you want to develop South Africa, but on one hand you have the British who want to colonize the country, you have the Chinese who want to bring in the laborer’s, the Japanese who want to bring in the technology, the Americans that want to bring in the money, and so on. And they all want to change the country to what they believe is the best way, but what you want to do is you want to develop South Africa.
And that is the same as where we are on this planet today. What you want to do is develop this planet, this is your world. All the species out there that are with us, that are helping us, that have the best intentions, they’re on the perimeters. You want to concentrate on developing South Africa. So they’re all there, and they always will be. As you evolve more, you automatically introduce other species, or get to know other species.
If you go right back to your caveman days, of course there was none of this. And it was only when they started to develop and started being able to talk to their ancestors, etc, that the tiniest fragment was developed and expanded from there. Now that the whole world is at a stage of evolving, and there’s so many different people, tribes, religions, that talk to our side, and talk to a variety of other people as well. And there are many, many aliens on this planet. But then you must remember that we are all aliens.
And the majority of people on this planet, the majority by far, have had lives on this planet and on other planets as well. Because that’s simply the way it operates.
S: Mmm.
Spirit: So, don’t be concerned about all the different species, the interplanetary species that are out there. Let them develop on their own. And they will take care of themselves. Those who believe in going in that direction will go in that direction, and so on.
S: But it goes back to the same thing of when people are in a rut, or whatever, you’ve got to take them back to themselves. So, when people are all like, hmm, about every other planet, focus on your own planet first.
Spirit: Yes, quite right. Yes, and look after yourself first. Once you look after yourself, then you can expand, you can do the same thing for others, and so on. It’s just that in this particular era, you’ve been bombarded with so many different possibilities, and people come out with all these different ideas.
S: Yeah. And curiosity as well.
Spirit: Yes, and your scientists are coming across different things, and once they’re introduced to the public, the public are saying, well, that could be this, that could change this, that could change that. And there’s just too much, they’ve got too far away from the stability of having love, family life, emotion, looking after each other, and satisfaction of being, as you say, in the now, in the now. Enjoying the moment. Far too much, and that’s what we need to get back to, to get a comfortable evolvement, movement to the next stage.
S: Absolutely.
Spirit: Now, I will be helping you in the future. You will have to give me a name at a later stage, which will come to you. But I’ll be helping you in as much as explaining things like this, mainly to do with extraterrestrials, alien species, whatever you want to call them. It’s all part of one creator, even all the planets, everything is part of one creator.
S: Thank you. Yes, yes. So thank you, and I will definitely think of a name.
Spirit: I’m sure you will. And I’ve already been told about your custom of saying goodnight. Lol.
S: lol. Thank you so much.
Spirit: Thank you, and goodnight.
S: And goodnight.