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1611  Energy and emotions of soldiers in the Ukraine war

G: Right, I have a big pond on the right-hand side, and on the left-hand side is a dirt path going up to some old sort of houses at the top, like a hamlet, like a country cabin and at the bottom of the picture I have a very happy guy with a gun, he’s a soldier and he’s got very good energy, very nice energy. And he is the main character, and it’s something to do with linking up positive energies through positive thinking soldiers.


S: Hmm.


Spirit: In a war scenario, there’s lots of different emotions experienced by the soldiers. Of course in the beginning there’s apprehension, there’s fear, there’s worry, concern, anxiety, and then there’s the other side of the coin where they don’t like killing people, hurting people, things they don’t believe in, it’s done for the wrong reason, all sorts of things. But a soldier is just, all he has to do is follow orders, he doesn’t have to worry about the decision.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So, all they have to do is follow orders, so that’s the basic story. But there’s a lot of really good soldiers out there, this is especially now talking about the Russia Ukraine war, where you’ve got on both sides, you’ve got some very serious people, but on the Russian side you’ve got these young Russian soldiers and they don’t want to go to war. A lot of them, a lot of them are very, not very, but they’re fairly experienced in understanding spiritual life and what they should and shouldn’t do, etc. And they have the right sort of intuition not to dominate and kill unreservedly and so on, they’re trying to follow orders but in the nicest way, if I can put it that way.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: Now what we are able to do here is to link up all of these energies for a common cause. As you know we cannot influence as such, we cannot use any energies directly, but we can, as you know, go through people, but one thing we can do as well is we can link up several people. So where you get, let’s say a group of a thousand soldiers, let’s say a hundred of them are of this frame of mind, we can put that hundred thought forms together so they get to recognize one another, they can work together, they can send information backwards and forwards.


And when energy starts to wane in one, it can draw energy from the others, that’s automatically done backwards and forwards, so that they don’t lose their perspective of what they want to achieve, which is getting on with the war the nicest possible way.


Now the opposite of that is those who enjoy the war, bullies for example, and bullies especially when they can dominate and especially when they can shoot from a distance, or when they overwhelm somebody, and this is where you get a lot of horrible results, including rape and murder and grand theft and all sorts of things, they get, I wouldn’t say carried away, they get, it’s like being given their freedom to do what they like.


S: And they feed off it.


Spirit: Yes they do, very much so. And they have this false strength that they can do whatever they want to, and they tend to take advantage of that. Now those sorts of people we don’t want to link up, because that would only make the situation worse, but when they come across the good guys, put it that way, there is a certain amount of influence that we can insert. It’s not a matter of making the bad guys better, it’s a matter of having a barrier in between, so that they can both see the difference between the good guys and bad guys.


They’re not just a little bit different, they’re a lot different. One is very good and one is very bad. Being able to show the bad up like this, the others around them, who are let’s say just neutral, will suddenly see somebody who is far worse, they see it in their own eyes as far worse, and they will do more to stop it. So that’s how we can help there.


The thought forms that are sent over there, basically arrive on a battlefield, if you like, in white, and you saw a lot of white that what sent. So where you get group thought forms, because there are so many different thoughts, everybody’s saying we’re going to send love and strength to the Ukrainian army, for example. Some are sending love, some are sending strength, some are sending shrewdness, some are sending all sorts of different energies. So instead of sending over all these different energies and trying to find the right person to suit them, it all goes across as one white energy, which is really an empty energy ready for anybody to put in the color that they need.


So the person who receives the energy, if he needs upliftment, for example, automatically that white will become the color of upliftment, and he will get what he wants. So that’s a very important lesson for,  important lesson for you. But there’s a better way to put this. It’s very important that people understand how this energy…, well, only the people who are really in your situation, or who think the right way, the spiritually advanced people, if you like, the more aware people, sort of centered and they understand it. Maybe I’ve got that wrong. Thinking too fast, that’s what it is.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: It’s good for them to understand, it is good for you to understand how that actually works.


S: To have an awareness, that’s what it is.


Spirit: Yes, that’s a better way to put it. Your words are better than mine. Lol


S: Lol.


Spirit: So that information goes out to them, and that’s how we can assist in that particular part of the war. If you take the opposite of that, if you take the people who are now very anti the war, and I’m looking now at the Russian people, to them at the moment the war is a distance from them. It’s something that’s happening over there, not in their back garden. And so they’re not too concerned, but there is a building up of concern, and this building up will create a group energy, a very anti-war, anti-Putin type of energy.


Now, where would that energy go? Now, it’s not sent over to the act of fighting itself, because it’s against, basically Putin, or the Russian government, or whatever they think, started the war. And this group energy will then be pushed towards, let’s say in this case we know it’s Putin, and he’s going to feel this anger. Now, he’s going to feel two things. Firstly, his logical mind is going to sense the anger of the people in Moscow, the anti-Putin people, but on the other hand he’s going to feel this energy, and it feels like a very negative energy coming towards him. You know the feeling where you’ve got like a lead in the pit of your stomach?


S: Yeah.


Spirit: He’s going to start feeling that. And he’s going to understand that that is the people who are doing that to him, and he’s going to need to make some decisions very fast. Now we know how stubborn he is, and we know the various ways which he can change from here, and the various outcomes of the war. But the more that negative energy is built up, the more he’s going to feel it, but the more he’ll then have to react, and whether he reacts in a positive or negative way is to be seen.


But that energy is quite small at the moment, because it’s only coming from the Russian people, whereas a positive energy on the battlefield is coming from basically all over the world.


Now I’ve got some soldiers which seem to be covered in sugar. It’s strange, there’s a group of them, four or five of them, they’re sort of covered in this sugar. It is basically an extension of what we’re talking about, the two different energies.


It’s misguided. Lol. On a battlefield you’re covered in something very sweet, so it’s misguided. It’s a group of people, and these would be the Russian leaders, generals on the battlefield.


S: Okay.


Spirit: Who have been misled to a degree. They don’t really believe what Putin is saying, about how he’s going with the country of Nazis, etc. But what they do believe is that Ukraine should be brought back under the control of Russia, of Moscow. And they believe that is how the USSR used to be before socialism broke down and all the countries fell apart, because there were about fifteen different countries who are involved in the USSR. And Ukraine was one of them.


So what they believe very strongly, or what they’ve been led to believe that’s more like it by Putin, is that Ukraine must be brought back under the control of Russia, for the good of Russia, for the strength of Russia and so on. So they’ve been misled and they are now fighting a war, but I can see their view of the whole thing is that maybe we’re being sort of led up the garden path here, maybe this is not quite right. You know, we hear what Putin says, but it just doesn’t sit right for that. That’s the sort of feeling they’ve got. Now, there’s a group of five, and it’s just this five that I’m seeing at the moment. There are probably many others, but these five seem to have got together, and they seem to have, not slowed things down,  okay, they have to a degree. 


They’ve slowed things down. Instead of going full ball with the war at the moment, they’re going a bit slower, saying that they have to get more stock, more supplies, etc., before they can carry on. What they’re doing intentionally is actually slowing things down to give the Ukrainians a bit more time, because they don’t believe in this. They’re also feeling how everybody else feels. They’re also giving their troops a bit of a rest and so on.


Now, this was brought about by the main General that’s just been brought in (Wagner) , the one who’s supposed to be a brutal one from Syria. And he is basically going to come in and just sort of blitz everybody and sort the problem out. And these five are definitely against him. They’re not his best friends. And that’s why they’re doing that. Now, the bad guy is trying to control the whole war, and in charge of all the generals, and making decisions about what they must all do. And this group of five are very anti him.


So, let’s take the energies that this bad general is going to feel. If it were a genuine army going on a mission to save a country or whatever, you’d have the general and you’d have all his forces. All the forces would be gung-ho to save the guys in trouble, etc. We all work together and work as a team, and we’re going to do the right thing. So, it’s all this positive energy created, which becomes a very strong force. That’s picked up by the general, and he can then lead the troops into battle. And everything is very positive. Everything’s going forward. There’s no hesitation. We know exactly what we’re doing, and we get the job done.


Now, what this bad guy is doing is he’s not feeling that at all. He’s feeling a lot of very, everybody anti, not just anti him, but anti the war, and anti the way it’s being fought, the cruelty that’s going on, the bombing of civilians. It’s just not the done thing, and that’s what he’s picking up in his energy. But he’s very dogmatic, very stubborn, and he’s very egotistical, and he just has one thing, and that is to dominate.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So, on the Ukrainian side, I can see them all basically covered in green. Green for them is very positive, pushing forward, all go, no problem. They’ve got a very strong community, a very strong background. They’ve got a very strong belief in their country, and they’re doing things for the right reasons, and therefore their energies are so much better. Russians for the wrong reason, less energy.


So, over the next five weeks, there’s going to be some, it’s going to come to a serious head. Remember those five weeks, and that will take it to the end of November, and that’s where you’ll see some major changes, because the winter is setting in there, it’s going to be thick snow, ice, etc. There’s going to be thoughts of the Second World War, where the Germans were pushing towards Russia, and in the middle of winter, nobody could move, people froze to death, supplies couldn’t get through and so on.


There’ll be thoughts of that from both sides, but both sides are used to this cold. Ukrainians are on their home ground, so they have most of their supplies there, where the Russians have to bring theirs in etc. That is going to be a major concern. So, I think that is enough for Russia and Ukraine. It gives you a little bit more clarity about how it is being, how the war is being waged, how it affects the rest of the world.


S: Energies.


Spirit: Yeah, energies. Good.


S: Thank you.

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