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1612   Myanmar, China and Buddhist group, and Afghanistan

Spirit; Now, the latest two places where civil unrest is getting much worse, and this all, just feeds this change that’s about to happen. Myanmar is one. Where the army, is once again, in control. And they will do their best to basically dominate the anti-government people in the area.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: A lot of them fled across to Pakistan a couple of years ago. Few have come back, but they’re trying to dominate once more and get rid of, basically, more of the people that don’t support them, thinking that will give them more peace in the future.


The other place is in northern China, where there’s a group of, Mmm, there’s a type of Buddhist religion there. The Chinese are very anti them, and they’ve been ostracizing them, keeping them away from everything there. Lots of them have been jailed. Nothing has really happened so far, but now it’s going to be this small civil war in that particular area.


They’re getting very, their patience is running out, and basically they just want to fight. It’s going to be a lost cause, but. It could cause a lot of turmoil. So many places around the world have this civil unrest. It’s just grown to such a degree. Twenty, thirty years ago, you had a few countries where there were minor problems, and to get to the stage of civil unrest took an awful lot, an awful lot. Now it’s very common place. And because it’s seen on your local media, in all the other countries where they’re having these protests and riots and so on, it’s just becoming quite an acceptable thing to do.


S: It feeds the energy, yeah.


Spirit: Yeah. It does indeed. Now, if you take the energy of these particular riots, let’s just take one. Let’s just say it’s an uprising against the government. Very good example is Afghanistan, where you’ve got the Taliban trying to dominate with their particular rules, and then you’ve got the population who are suffering. The women, of course, have had all their rights taken away. There’s very little work. There’s a lot of hunger, a lot of desperation, etc.


Now that creates a huge group energy, which is against the Taliban. Now, what happens to that group energy? It’s actually used. The purpose of it is to let the other side know. So it’s negative energy which is created and sent to the Taliban, and like the Russian general, they will feel this negative energy coming towards them. But they’ve been so used to it over the years, because of their religion and their laws, they’re used to a negativity coming from the general public, and especially from the women.


The men dominate the women. It’s always been like that, but for the last 20 or 30 years it’s been trying to change, and this anger has built up and become very, very negative. Now, the Taliban are feeling that, but what they’re doing is they’re digging their heels in, saying that this is the way it must be, this is what the law states, this is what the Koran or whatever states, and that is simply going to make the matter worse.


The general public are going to revolt to a degree, but the problem is they don’t have sufficient weapons, support, money, a trained community, nothing, whereas the Taliban has basically all they need. So it’s going to be a bit of a lost cause for a while. A lot of people will leave Afghanistan and go elsewhere looking for a better life, and the Taliban will actually take control of that area and dominate it.


Now with the change, what will happen there is the Taliban will dominate, they will take over, when the change will happen, it will happen in all other countries, but much later in Afghanistan, and the reason it will happen later is because the general public population will see the changes happen around the world, via the internet and the media, and so will the Taliban. They will see the changes basically everywhere except themselves, and then they will start to think, well maybe it is time to make some small changes, and slowly slowly slowly that will change.


Now it will take individual people as well to make that change, not just the Taliban as a group, so they will need a leader who is confident enough to stand up and say it is time that we change and this is what we must do, and he will have the amount of, enough respect by the Taliban, by the leaders of the Taliban, that they will accept what he has to say and go along with it.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: But it will have to be in a face-saving way, the Taliban can’t be seen to back down. So it will be something along the lines of, we’ve had a revelation from Allah or whatever, and this is what he says we must change to, and so that the head people in the Taliban can say, well if Allah says it must be done, then it’s true, it must be done, and so on and so on. So that’s where that will change, they will adapt it to suit themselves.




1612   Myanmar, China and Buddhist group, and Afghanistan



Spirit; Now, the latest two places where civil unrest is getting much worse, and this all, just feeds this change that’s about to happen. Myanmar is one. Where the army, is once again, in control. And they will do their best to basically dominate the anti-government people in the area.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: A lot of them fled across to Pakistan a couple of years ago. Few have come back, but they’re trying to dominate once more and get rid of, basically, more of the people that don’t support them, thinking that will give them more peace in the future.


The other place is in northern China, where there’s a group of, Mmm, there’s a type of Buddhist religion there. The Chinese are very anti them, and they’ve been ostracizing them, keeping them away from everything there. Lots of them have been jailed. Nothing has really happened so far, but now it’s going to be this small civil war in that particular area.


They’re getting very, their patience is running out, and basically they just want to fight. It’s going to be a lost cause, but. It could cause a lot of turmoil. So many places around the world have this civil unrest. It’s just grown to such a degree. Twenty, thirty years ago, you had a few countries where there were minor problems, and to get to the stage of civil unrest took an awful lot, an awful lot. Now it’s very common place. And because it’s seen on your local media, in all the other countries where they’re having these protests and riots and so on, it’s just becoming quite an acceptable thing to do.


S: It feeds the energy, yeah.


Spirit: Yeah. It does indeed. Now, if you take the energy of these particular riots, let’s just take one. Let’s just say it’s an uprising against the government. Very good example is Afghanistan, where you’ve got the Taliban trying to dominate with their particular rules, and then you’ve got the population who are suffering. The women, of course, have had all their rights taken away. There’s very little work. There’s a lot of hunger, a lot of desperation, etc.


Now that creates a huge group energy, which is against the Taliban. Now, what happens to that group energy? It’s actually used. The purpose of it is to let the other side know. So it’s negative energy which is created and sent to the Taliban, and like the Russian general, they will feel this negative energy coming towards them. But they’ve been so used to it over the years, because of their religion and their laws, they’re used to a negativity coming from the general public, and especially from the women.


The men dominate the women. It’s always been like that, but for the last 20 or 30 years it’s been trying to change, and this anger has built up and become very, very negative. Now, the Taliban are feeling that, but what they’re doing is they’re digging their heels in, saying that this is the way it must be, this is what the law states, this is what the Koran or whatever states, and that is simply going to make the matter worse.


The general public are going to revolt to a degree, but the problem is they don’t have sufficient weapons, support, money, a trained community, nothing, whereas the Taliban has basically all they need. So it’s going to be a bit of a lost cause for a while. A lot of people will leave Afghanistan and go elsewhere looking for a better life, and the Taliban will actually take control of that area and dominate it.


Now with the change, what will happen there is the Taliban will dominate, they will take over, when the change will happen, it will happen in all other countries, but much later in Afghanistan, and the reason it will happen later is because the general public population will see the changes happen around the world, via the internet and the media, and so will the Taliban. They will see the changes basically everywhere except themselves, and then they will start to think, well maybe it is time to make some small changes, and slowly slowly slowly that will change.


Now it will take individual people as well to make that change, not just the Taliban as a group, so they will need a leader who is confident enough to stand up and say it is time that we change and this is what we must do, and he will have the amount of, enough respect by the Taliban, by the leaders of the Taliban, that they will accept what he has to say and go along with it.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: But it will have to be in a face-saving way, the Taliban can’t be seen to back down. So it will be something along the lines of, we’ve had a revelation from Allah or whatever, and this is what he says we must change to, and so that the head people in the Taliban can say, well if Allah says it must be done, then it’s true, it must be done, and so on and so on. So that’s where that will change, they will adapt it to suit themselves.

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