Right, I think you’ve had enough war for this evening, it’s just such a common subject.
S: Yeah, I know. The world is full of it at the moment.
Spirit: Yeah, war energy. Sure we don’t get bored, but it must change. Let’s just see if we can find something else which is a little bit more suitable to finish off this meditation.
Now, this is interesting. I go into a very dark area, and it’s like looking out across the countryside, where just the odd house here and there, and everything is dark, it’s like the middle of the night. I’ll just go in deeper and deeper into this countryside, and away from the cities where there are lights.
And, going down, I’m going down to sit in a field, surrounded by trees, for quite a way, and it’s, everything is grey. I can see, it’s the middle of the night, so I can see, it’s very strange, I can see through the darkness. So this is a bit like, it’s not like seeing something in the full moon. I know it’s pitch dark, because I saw it from a distance, when I got in, I can see it, it must be like a nocturnal animal sees it.
S: Yeah. I was just going to say that.
G: Okay, and we’ve got some visitors. Right in me, brilliant,
Spirit: These are….. We live, my right-hand shakes through, through, through energy, heap loads of energy. It’s just making the difference, connection, to be able to speak.
S: Yes.
Spirit: We live in darkness, which is a totally, lol… alien, excuse the pun.
S: Lol.
Spirit: Totally alien world from what you have experienced. We live on planets where there is total darkness.
S: Shew.
Spirit: And it’s something you’ve probably never thought about. But there are some, where they don’t revolve around a sun, so one side of the planet is permanently in darkness. Our lives are not, our lives are not physical for, okay, let me start from the beginning. (deep breath)
We were first of all created to be beings that would, you would consider to be very ugly, very scary, and the idea, the thinking somehow was that scary creatures in the dark, there was memories around that creatures scare you in the dark, and so a lot of us started off as being very ugly, and so on. I don’t know whether it was started as just an exercise, or somebody with a very bad sense of humor, but there, we all sorts of shapes and sizes, and we just started to, we never even grew, we started by being put in this dark place, a lot of us all different, and just to see what happened. That is as much as my memories can tell me.
But then it’s as if everybody sort of left us there, and they were bored, and they went their own way, and we were left as entities, is the correct word for what we are, we are entities. But being left where we are, we’ve been able to change from what we initially were meant to be. We were meant to be, or we were scary entities, we were thought up, we were created, we became very scary entities, very ugly, big teeth, fangs, all sorts of things.
S: Mmm.
Spirit: And whatever children could imagine, whatever grown-ups could imagine, and so on. And so in the beginning, a lot of us were simply taken there, they had to do something with us, we could be white lighted, of course as you know, but we were taken here, maybe probably as part of an experiment, and left, and we left and we were here for a long long time, with nothing happening, and just drifting around, and being an entity, we don’t need to eat, sleep, whatever we can do, we just exist, and we would connect up with one another, and we would separate, and we would, not a lot that we could do, until we had this one spark of understanding between us, where we all thought that we were just scary beings.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: And that’s the only thing we knew, because that’s the only thing we were programmed for, so that’s the only thing we were, and there was one little spark of …
S: Awareness?
Spirit: Not so much awareness of, maybe awareness of, maybe you’re not so scary.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: And this little spark grew, and then we started to communicate with one another, and then we started to, it just got better and better, then we started to see our surroundings, and then we were able to do more things, but we’ve been very limited in this particular area. What you’re seeing is basically just a group of us in one area, I’m sure there are others in many other, on many other planets, but in this one particular area, there’s just a group of us, all sorts of shapes and sizes, but we’re now all connecting with one another. Now, what you see as beauty is totally different to what we see as beauty, because we’re all in your eyes, we are all ugly and scary, but in our eyes there is no difference, there is nothing beyond ugly and scary, unless we look into a different dimension, or into a different world.
So therefore, we would have, or we do have, feelings for each other, similar in a way, not quite as the same as what I can see on your planet, but feelings for a friendship is a better way to put it.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: Which we never had before, we were simply separate, ugly entities. Now, we haven’t been able to basically move to other dimensions, because we’re in a way contained here, but other people have visited, like you’re doing right now, and from this we have learned, and of course, you know, with your permission, as always, we take all your information, which we can do, and we learn how other people evolve, other spirits, entities evolve, and if you took our whole consciousness of what we understand, is a fraction of what you already know. So, we are in a way very, very primitive, but we have evolved in such a totally different way than you.
S: Yes. And you’ve evolved to, you’ve evolved to what we’re trying to get people here to do. We’ve evolved in another way, in another level, in another way, but what you, the way you have evolved is what I’m trying to teach people, that we are all connected, and your world and you are the perception, reflection, you know, your perception of everything is the reflection of you.
Spirit: Yes, that’s right, quite right.
S: So you’ve evolved to that, to what I’m trying to teach people, and we’ve evolved in a completely different way.
Spirit: Yeah, our starting point, you see, was where we already, we were created, but we were created as something very simple and straightforward, we were just ugly entities.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: But you’ve had to travel the path of growing and evolving from one species to the next, the next, and learn more and more information along the way, and the more information you learn, the more difficult it is to comprehend the much bigger picture, because the picture is getting bigger all the time.
S: Bigger, bigger, bigger.
Spirit: Yeah, whereas in our world, it’s been very simple, it’s only been us, it’s only been these parameters, and so when things develop, they develop slower but nicer, but we don’t have to go through all the other bits and pieces that you did.
S: Yeah. Shew.
Spirit: Nos, I didn’t actually scare this one when we started, but there’s just so many ugly faces here.
S: So what happens, do you just like, just like stay there and wait, or do you? Like, what happens? Lol
Spirit: Lol. Of that, we’re not sure. For example, we could ask you just to white light as we all disappear, I presume.
S: Oh of course, yea.
Spirit: Because that’s in your mind, that’s a possibility. But then again, if you look at the degrees of happiness, let’s put it that way, what you’re trying to achieve in your world is something which you haven’t yet achieved. So there’s a very small target in a very big world, whereas in our world, we’ve already changed and probably we’re a much happier species.
S: Yeah. 1000%.
Spirit: Yeah. Because we’re just doing what we want to do. And what is fascinating, of course, is being night time here, and being able to see at night, which is something that you don’t have.
S: No.
Spirit: So we don’t have colours here, which is quite different, but then we haven’t experienced colours, so therefore we don’t know. So now there’s lots of parameters that way.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: I think it would be nice to just leave us to continue to evolve, just to see where we go. I’m sure we must be overseen by…..
S: Oh yeah, everyone is.
Spirit: With time being what it is, maybe they are, seeing that we are evolving in a specific way. So.
S: Yeah. Well, enjoy that journey.
Spirit: Mmm. Very nice.
S: And thank you so much for visiting.
Spirit: And with your permission, we’re going to take back one colour, that’s all, just one colour, because we don’t want to take the whole spectrum, because it will change our world. So I’m going to take one colour, which is what you would term orange, and we’ll take that back, and it will remain in our world. It’s one spark of that colour, so that it will look at it and remind us of the visit of being here.
S: Awesome. Yeah. Lovely.
Spirit: Good. I’ve enjoyed your language.
S: It’s been lovely.
Spirit: Which is, just one more thing is, our language is more sounds, equivalent to your bat, whale, dolphin, these sounds.
S: Oh wow, yes.
Spirit: And the reason is that they can expand across a much bigger area very quickly. And as nothing is private here, we all communicate, and this is just a very comfortable way to communicate. So in an area, if I want to say, lol … if I want to say good night to everyone, I can say it, and it sweeps over the whole valley area.
S: Oh my word.
Spirit: So, that is our sounds.
S: Wow. That’s amazing.
Spirit: Mmm. Ah, and on that note, I will say goodnight.
S: It’s been so special talking to you, thank you.
Spirit: So nice, beautiful. So nice.
S: Thank you.