G: Now I have a few characters of strength, and then I’ve got this gold-colored article. It’s one/ one and a half meters long, it’s round, and it’s all covered with ornate gold. Gold etchings, drawings, symbols. I can see the very old people behind it as well. And this is very hard to believe, as always, but they seem to be the Sumerians.
S: Okay.
G: Now, they are showing me two things, first of all they show me this golden staff thing, and then behind they are showing me their Gods as carvings out of the mountain.
Okay, so they face the carvings in the mountains, and that’s their Gods, and the gold ornament, I forget, I don’t know what to call it, it’s still there. And what they’re trying to say is, what is in the mountains is in the past, it’s finished, it’s done. It has no bearing on today. What has a bearing is the knowledge that was carried forward. And it was carried forward to, the knowledge was first of all taken up to all the higher selves of the different Sumerians. And from there it’s gone out to lots of different species, different planets, different galaxies and so on. It’s just the information that they created now.
Now, the Sumerians were here for a long, long time, and they built a lot of things, they had a very, it’s a very stable, balanced lifestyle. They had a lot of education, a lot of learning. They were a very smart race, but at the same time they were similar to the Egyptians. They lived off land. I’m trying to see the land they lived in, which was steps, steps for growing things on. The area, it’s very sandy, palm trees, it’s very, it’s got the feeling of Egypt about it.
And they were sort of Egyptian. The people themselves were very similar to Egyptians. If a little bigger, I’m not sure, I can’t see. They seem to have very long hair, which is a start. That’s irrelevant, I’m trying to see too much. Okay. So they started, they developed. They had a very comfortable society. So why did it end? What happened to it in the end? I can see all the houses as being one-story buildings, just made out of brick and all, pretty uniform, very basic, very down-to-earth.
There were animals similar to cows. All right, I’m going to go down into this village, and it’s empty. There’s nobody in this village, there’s nobody in the houses, but they’re all there. So again, it’s all memories. All the memories were kept and used to start other species, generations, etc. What I can’t see is why it stopped. It seemed to have stopped through. You know, there’s no bodies, there’s no bones, there’s no nothing. It’s as if they just disappeared in thin air.
The houses are not old or decayed, they’re showing me, just normal houses. And they’re like one big square, probably with four rooms inside and walls which are just white or slightly pink. Let me just go into a house. And it’s very primitive, there are bowls, there’s no modern China or tiles or whatever. There are bowls, but there is steel, it looks like, poor cutlery. Goats, they had.
Okay. I’m going through the village and I’m going to carry on through an area of olive, it’s an olive grove. So big, absolutely huge. Must be, I don’t know, ten, twenty miles across in either direction. Just rows and rows of olive trees. I’m not going to go through there, I’m going to go to the mountains where these carvings were a minute ago. Now there’s just mountains. And I’m going to go into the mountain to see if I can feel more, in there. Which I don’t, that’s also empty.
The mountain’s empty, the village is empty. Everything’s empty. So where did these people go?
S: Maybe they did just go, just beam me up Scotty.
G: Okay, the reason they’re not showing me anything is because it’s immaterial. All they wanted to say was…
Spirit: Sumerians were a race. One of many, many races that have started and left on this planet over the years. And we’re going back hundreds of thousands of years. What your modern-day archaeologists are able to do is to look at specific bones, fossils, etc. But they will only go back a certain period. You can use your carbon dating, which is fairly accurate, to go back so far. But it only works on specific things, bones, wood, etc. Literally everything else disappears. Brickwork, towns, villages from half a million years ago will just be dust, nothing else. Nothing left at all.
S: Yeah. And it will only work to a certain depth as well.
Spirit: Yes, and then you’ve had all this turmoil that’s happened. In the last half a million years, for example, you’ve had so many upheavals of earthquakes and whole areas have been turned upside down, destroyed and so on. The point is that when the planet started it’s something that we don’t know about here and we’ll probably never find out because there is nothing for us to find except through thought like this. So there have been many others and all they’ve been doing is exactly the same, exactly the same as what’s happening there, is evolving. Each race evolves, the information goes back to the higher self or higher selves, depending on how advanced they are. And it’s used and they then start a different species on a different planet, different souls or different experiences in different lives, different planets. So that’s how that all worked. So don’t be concerned, which was basically how this started, about these races which came beforehand. They have no bearing on what you’re experiencing right now at all.
S: Exactly, exactly.
Spirit: Okay. So we can leave that and I don’t think we’ll ever go there again. Lol
S: Lol..