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1630 More disasters coming for the change

I see at the moment there’s been a lot of negativities, remember you had the positive side of the Maddy and the New York people, and the tsunami bringing people together and all that sort of thing.


Now what you’ve got is a lot of disasters around the world, and a lot of groups of people being killed. There are huge floods just north of here in Nigeria. Massive floods. There are floods in Pakistan and China. There’s been the bridge that collapsed in Japan, and the crush in South Korea, and so many things like this which are affecting the people, they’re seeing more and more of this in the news.


And although most of the people, it doesn’t affect them because it’s somewhere else, they’re just seeing more and more of it. And this is just a lead up to more disasters which are going to happen. People are getting used to disasters. The same as in this country, you’re getting used to being load shedding, and corruption and so on and so on. So that’s what everybody will get used to. And also they’ll be hearing all these different stories, but they won’t believe most of the stories, because they’re used to being told stories, and so out of all that becomes truth.


Now, your perception is what bends truth, what changes truth. Your perception of different things. So the ideal situation is just to get back onto a truthful level, and then things start to sort themselves out. So no matter what level people are going through this disaster, as long as they hear truth they get understanding, and the understanding will allow them to go through things more comfortably, and work towards a higher, more positive goal.


S: Awesome, yeah.


G: Right, my mind is still picking up these very fast vibrations. You’ve got tremendous energy Sharon. Let’s just spend a few minutes, sending the energy out, just calming the people down throughout, wherever. And that will make us feel better as well. Let’s just do that. I can see so much darkness there, all that negativity.


S: I send energy out and it just ripples, poof. It has this ripple effect on it. The energy acts as a ripple effect. It’s to remind me always, it reminds me, I’m sure that’s why they are doing it. Because it’s fine to say it but it’s another thing to see it. And to go out and to perceive it and see it, it’s just mind blowing. I mean, I’ve been doing it, time after time after time and the last few years, just like a drop, and it just goes…poof…


G: Nice.


S: You just see it, and you just sense this whole vibe, this whole energy just like vibrates out. It’s a different dimension. To talk about something, and then say, every thought you think is a ripple effect, and they go, yeah, and carry-on working, you know. To see it, and to experience it every single time, gets it into you. So now I know that every single word I say, and I…….

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