Spiritual Dictionary

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CAPTAIN COOK   By SpiritualDictionary.com

In this one there are four of us in meditation: myself, (that’s Geoff), my wife Verna, plus Luke, who gives energy, and Miriam. A Guide will be channeling through Miriam, called Mr. Wu. I will be seeing the lessons, or adventures, and Mr. Wu will make any corrections, clarify, and basically fill in the gaps. Geoff: I started off looking upward, through the branches of a tree –blue sky above. And, I’m looking upwards from a grave. It’s somebody that’s been buried in the woods beneath the tree, and there are autumn leaves on the ground but there are green leaves on the tree. Quite a nice area – sort of like an English wood. Could be Australia. Miriam (Mr Wu) It is New Zealand. Geoff: Oh, welcome! Miriam (Mr Wu) This is Mr. Wu speaking. Geoff: Ah, welcome – thank you. I now lie back in this grave to find out who it belongs to. It was a ritual killing by Maoris. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes, you are right. Geoff: But it was quite a long time ago. The person who died there was – Captain Cook?? Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. Geoff: And I can see a sailing ship in the bay, and I can see he was stabbed to death with spears and then buried there. The reason that he was killed was fear. The Maoris were quite primitive, and they hadn’t seen such a big boat before. And the people upon the boat were white-skinned, and they were the first, and also the crew were very rough, rough and ready. Miriam (Mr Wu) Very coarse they were. Geoff: Coarse. The Maoris are, or were, a very close-knit community that had time for each other, and everyone looked after each other, and it was a very peaceful existence. And when Cook landed there, and threatened this peaceful existence, they decided that he and his crew were enemy and in their wisdom killed the Captain first, thinking that that would destroy the morale of the crew, and that they would leave. But that didn’t happen. Many crew stayed behind. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. Geoff: Many crew stayed behind, because they’d been at sea for so long they couldn’t face another voyage. And one person took over the ship with about a third of the crew, and they went on to Australia. The crew that stayed behind, over the years, some started to interbreed with the Maoris, and that was how the mixed race began there. The elders who ordered the killing of Captain Cook obviously believed that they were right at the time, in protecting their heritage and their tribe. It did go against the grain, because they didn’t believe in killing. This was an exceptional case. Over the years that followed, the majority regretted it, although they realised they’d made the right decision at the time. It was a group decision, not just one person. And many found some form of relief from their guilt, simply because of the fact that it was a group decision. The Maoris believed that after that, whenever bad luck came to that area, it was because the spirit of the person they killed wasn’t happy and roamed the woods in that area. And many things were blamed on this in the future. It was only a hundred or so years later, once generations had continued, new generations, that it became more of a legend and the fear was taken out of it. Now there is a stone and a monument stone, of where Cook landed, and that’s right, because I know, I’ve been there. And where he was buried is actually only about twenty yards behind this stone. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes, it is. Geoff: Nobody has ever looked there. Miriam (Mr Wu) No. But you have a reason for going there. Geoff: I can see a lot of things and associate a lot with Captain Cook. For instance I can see the color of his uniform, and what he looked like. And his . . . Miriam (Mr Wu) And? Geoff: His uniform was blue. And he’s got white crossed whatever’s on his chest. It’s part of the uniform. The front of the jacket has some sort of frills or indentations on either side, going down the uniform to the waist. And it’s wide-collared. I can see this very, very clearly, as if I’d actually seen this before, and just remembering it. Miriam (Mr Wu) You have! That is what I wanted you to pick up. You have seen it before. Geoff: Yes, I know I’ve seen it before. I wasn’t one of the Maoris. Miriam (Mr Wu) No. Geoff: And I wasn’t one of the crew. Miriam (Mr Wu) No. Geoff: Right. From what I can see in Captain Cook, was the drive and ambition to achieve, before anybody else did. The spirit of adventure and the excitement of adventure. Geoff: The adventure that he had, you know, I can see it and sense it, so well. And there would be months and months of sea, no knowing where you were going to end up with just a calculated guess or a risk. And it was very high risk because it you didn’t find land, the crew would simply starve to death, or die of lack of water, or whatever. A whole variety of things. So being an adventurer in those days really was high risk. But why did the end come in that life so abruptly? It could only have been a single lesson at the end of it. That was the reason for his death. It’s not . . . But it seems a very little lesson, where right at the end he gets killed. Miriam (Mr Wu) It’s a lesson nevertheless. Geoff: The feeling he had inside him was of total control, of strong determination. But when he got these instructions from the government who financed these trips, from the King or Queen of the day, he was very comfortable financially, he was on an adventure which was enjoyable — and of course it’s very good for the ego, especially when you’re successful. And also financially very rewarding. The life was most enjoyable, even with the danger that was there — the danger of going somewhere where no one’s been before. Miriam (Mr Wu) Full of life. And the determination to complete a task. Geoff: Yes, which he did — what he believed was there he did find in the end. He discovered New Zealand. It’s great how I can see the picture so clearly. Miriam (Mr Wu) That is the Third Eye. Geoff: Yes. Because I can see the beach, the trees, the people, the boats, the colors. Everything is much, much clearer. And I can sense, for instance, the leaves on the ground, and the soil that’s dry and not damp, and all sorts of little things, which I couldn’t see before. Miriam (Mr Wu) This is good. Geoff: Now, there is a silver watch on a chain, belonging to Cook, which was in this uniform. And in the right-hand pocket there was a parchment, which had the official instructions from the King or Queen claiming the right to claim new territories in the name of Great Britain, or whatever it was then. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. It was never found, it was never found. Geoff: Then it probably is still in the uniform, and buried in the same place if it still survived physically. It is quite possible. Miriam (Mr Wu) That you will find out about another day. Geoff: Maybe I shall go over and discover it. Miriam (Mr Wu) Who knows. I am not saying – Miriam (Mr Wu) Now perhaps you will think when you rub shoulders with the hundreds of people that you know, I wonder what they have been in another life. Geoff: Yes. Miriam (Mr Wu) It makes you think, does it not? Geoff: It certainly does. Wow. All right, then let’s leave that one and we’ll go on to the next. Is there something else to see in the village before we go? Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. I hoped you would ask. Geoff: Farther north from the spot where Cook was killed is the main village where the Maori were living, and it was a fishing village. What I’m seeing, I thought they were huts to live in, but it’s not, it’s where the fish were smoked. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. Geoff: It’s like a square room made out of reeds and the fish were smoked in there. So it wasn’t the camp where they lived, but simply where they smoked the fish. Miriam (Mr Wu) That is it. Very wonderful community spirit they had. Geoff: And the canoes that they fished in were just old basic dugout canoes. They have an outrigger, and sails made of a very coarse material. Not quite canvas but similar. I think it (canoe) was made out of bark strips and then covered with like a glue. It was flexible, but made all into one piece. It was resin from a tree. Miriam (Mr Wu) That’s right, from a tree. Geoff: The fishing lines that they used were made out of vines and hooks were teeth — fish teeth. Miriam (Mr Wu) You would have enjoyed fishing then. Geoff: Yes, very interesting. Plus they did a lot of diving, and also a lot more shellfish and coral and general fish around in those days. The fishing boats used to go out in a group, and there was a lot of harmony in this group. They used to pray to their god of the sea before they went fishing, and they always fished as a group- that was a very harmonious thing — the catch was shared. Very enjoyable. And they used to catch turtles as well. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes, they did. Geoff: And they used to swim after the turtles and then attach vines to their legs and pull them back on board. There were a lot of turtles. Miriam (Mr Wu) A lot more than you would see today. But they did not catch anything just for amusement. Geoff: No. Miriam (Mr Wu) It was all for food that they catch them. Geoff: That’s right. Miriam (Mr Wu) As it should be. As it was intended. Geoff: This particular tribe specialised in fishing. The village was close by. But there were other tribes who lived inland that specialised in hunting, who would come down to the fisherman, and it was quite acceptable that they would ask for something and get it, everybody shared in those days. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. Geoff: And there was no great value put on anything — no monetary value. It was simply a matter of sharing and giving and a lot of socialising, Miriam (Mr Wu) And those days will be back. Yes, they will be. Geoff: Yes, that certainly would be nice. Miriam (Mr Wu) Not until man has learned to cast away the material desires that he has now. Geoff: Now I know the village is just a little bit up the road from this fishing camp. And it wasn’t at the fishing camp because of the smell of the fish and smoking all the time. And but I can’t really see the village so there is no point in me going there. Miriam (Mr Wu) Yes. Geoff: I’m looking around at the area, which I can see very clearly. And there’s nothing more now. We must leave this one and go on to the next lesson. Miriam (Mr Wu) Very pleasant beginning. Geoff: Yes. Shortly after we made this tape, which was in September ‘92, I did a bit of research at the library, and found that Cook was supposed to have gone to Hawaii where he was killed. It seemed that Spirit had given me the wrong answers……….. The next day however, in the evening’s spiritual lesson I was shown the “Well of Truth”…..and the first question I asked was about Cook. And Cook did not die in NZ. Only his uniform was buried there as part of a ritual. What Spirit were showing me was that you must learn to “sense” what is right and wrong, and not just accept it because it is from Spirit. So they deliberately misled me to show me that it can be done.

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