Soul Readings / Spiritual Counselling
My sessions are intense and informative providing insight and perspective for personal empowerment.
Guided by my Spirit Team, I use Colour and Chakras as a medium to tap into your Personality Life Lessons. Enjoying diversity, I combine psychic & metaphysical tools to add magical mystery into the mix!
I conclude with a personal message from Spirit.
How it works
I prep the first part of the reading prior to our appointment which I share and discuss in person. The message from Spirit is a ‘live’ transmission. Even though I love working with my beloved Kuthumi and Diana I leave the platform open.
This is a channelled transmission AND NOT CROSSING OVER.
Apart from ‘prep time’ I allocate around 90 minutes for the online face2face session.
I don’t rush!
If you are interested to go ahead
Please email or WhatsApp me the following details:
Full name details (maiden/nicknames/other)
Your date of birth, time, and place of birth if possible.
The reading is done with permission from all Oversouls involved.
I won’t do the reading unless permission is granted.
When it comes to children
Many parents / peers are quite beside themselves trying to understand the young no matter the age. Although the same format applies, I prefer to look at this as a soul appraisal for guidance.
Once permission is granted…
Include a short paragraph of your perspective on the child/person/self or questions you may have. Understandably in the case of the very young and newly born this is not always possible.
Audio Download only
Having just come out of a lengthy sabbatical the platform for the audio downloads has changed. Please enquire about this prior to going ahead.
Email – / WhatsApp – (+27) (0) 83 787 2893
50% deposit, with the remainder settled prior to the reading.
$99 USD using PayPal via our website (Payoneer optional)
Please see our website for more testimonials
Hi Chanel,
The reading has been the highlight of my week!
I listened to it in stages and took copious amounts of notes to relay to my husband.
I cant explain what it does to hear these things about your child. Its a feeling of “OK so she’s going to be OK, I can breathe a bit now…”
I think your personality profile is very accurate and spot on. Madison is going to be a force to be reckoned with and I’m super proud of that, and wont try to mould or change her for anything/one. Thank you for the advice on the areas that she will need patience and guidance and how we can help her learn.
I’m so grateful for the opportunity of having ‘met’ you.
Thank you for your time and insight, you have a beautiful gift.
Lots of love and hugs
Caghrey West
(Mom that can rest a bit more easy now…)
Hi Chanel
Sorry I have not got back to you sooner. I was hoping to get my husband to listen before I gave you feedback but he has not had a chance as yet.
I was totally blown away by your reading – not only was it a totally accurate reading of Trent, there were many aspects of the reading that I had suspected of him. Thanks so much, it has really affirmed that he is such a special little person and he really is different. I have always felt he was different and often found him so difficult to understand. My husbands family have always told me he is normal just like other children, but I knew in my heart he was not.
He is constantly asking to do creative things and loves doing pottery, art and painting. Now I know just how important it is to encourage all of that. We have just made a decision to send him to the Waldorf school, so once again, the reading really affirms our decision.
He often says the most insightful things that I can’t believe came out of a 5 year olds mouth! It is understandable that he is an old soul.
His passion is dinosaurs – he lives, eats and breaths dinosaurs and knows all the names and facts about them. He has been obsessed with them since about the age of two. Makes me wonder about his past livesJ
I will listen to it again, hopefully with my husband and I will let you know his thoughts.
Hi Chanel
Your readings were quite incredible. This was one of the most valuable things I have ever done.
To have a deeper understanding of what motivates our behaviors, thoughts, actions and reactions is truly a gift. I am so grateful to have this deeper understanding of my children so that I can help guide them more effectively on their little paths. If we could all gain a deeper understand of each other’s characters, human relations would be so much more effective.
I have also been incredibly encouraged since having my own reading done. You have helped clarify so many things for me where I was vacillating slightly and I must say that I have a new sense of excitement and optimism since having this done.
So, thank you for the gifts you gave to me and my family. I hope to interact with you again sometime in the future.
Much love
Kim, Cody, Jamie and Nicholas
Ps: I will contact you shortly to potentially do my husbands reading.
Blanco Guest Farm
Tel: 045 – 846 9163
Fax: 045 – 846 9158
Hi Chanel,
My whole family, all eight of us, including myself, have now listened to our Soul Readings, and we are absolutely gobsmacked by the uncanny accuracy, even at the deepest level, of your readings.
It’s as if you have been peeking over our shoulders all our lives, as well as listening in to our innermost thoughts – all our strengths and weaknesses are revealed with amazing clarity, as well as wonderful advice on how to cope with the challenges we are currently experiencing, and even those still to come in the future.
The information you gave the parents on their “New” children will be of great assistance in understanding the space from which they are coming, and why their behaviour is so different to the previous generation.
This information has also made it easier to cope when they appear to be rebellious and difficult in various ways – we now know why they are acting in the way they do, and how to react to it, without the danger of going insane !
How wonderful it would be, if everyone had their soul reading done at birth, so both the child and the parents were aware of how to live their life to the best advantage, without the misery of bad decisions, and being misunderstood by others.
This information is something everyone needs to know – I am so grateful to have been fortunate enough to have received it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you from all of us.
Love, Light, Gratitude and Blessings
Laura Ross and family.