Spiritual Dictionary

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In this meditation (1988) Verna is channeling a regular Indian Guide. He talks about Verna while channeling through her.
Verna (Guide): This mind (Verna’s) used to be so clear, and now it has so many problems. She is something like a big wheel with all the little chairs filled up with different thoughts, and we have to turn it inside out – and empty all the chairs. We all have trials and tribulations, daily routines in our lives and in a month or so we laugh about them all. If you think of things each and every one of you went through just a year ago it seems a different lifetime, never mind just a year ago and yet the problems seemed impossible to solve and now you laugh at them – that is, if they were material problems. And so when the day gets you down and the situation is too much and you are lost, blame it on the old karma, blame it on anything, shrug it off your shoulders, it’s not your problem. Try any old trick of the trade to train yourself in a light hearted way to accept that you cannot change the world all by yourself. Take one day at a time, one problem at a time. If you cannot solve that problem, do the best you can and put it aside. Do not worry about it. That will not solve the problem. There are some people in this room who are so lighthearted, one person in particular. She has a favourite saying that if the sky fell down she would just laugh. Right? Miriam: Right. Guide: We need a chip off the old block here. If we could just follow in those footsteps even slightly and laugh more. If something really gets you down, sit down and have a little laugh. You’ll find that you cannot worry – it is impossible to worry if you laugh. Laughing and exercise. That’s the best alternative medicine one could have mentally and physically as they are so closely connected. Anyway, I think I’ve had my little say. I’m sorry that it was mostly a lecture for this channel. It seems to come home and doesn’t know – and I love your favourite expression whether she   is Arthur or Martha, and so we will teach her to laugh more. She used to. She has lost her way a little. She is getting angry as we were talking about her as if she is not here. She is in fact getting furious, because she is unable to stop this conversation and now she is laughing and we are teaching her to laugh, but it is healing her and so it’s actually quite easy. She has a cross laugh at the moment. She doesn’t know whether to laugh or get cross but in any case she cannot worry about it, because she is laughing so it’s just a little lesson. I will leave now. There is one person who would like to talk to this channel while she is feeling lighter and then we will all move on. We have many visitors here tonight as usual so I bid you farewell. Miriam: Thank you for coming.

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