Spiritual Dictionary

we are a free teaching website based on first-hand experiences and insights from spiritual teachers on the other side.
it shows you where we are all going and how to get there.


Verna (Priscilla) – Hello, I came to talk to you once before. Geoff – You did, and what happened? Verna (Priscilla) – Then I went away again! (laughs) Geoff – That is a good start. Verna (Priscilla) – And now I have come back. Geoff – Have you channeled before? Verna (Priscilla) – Only a little bit, the first time here, and then I didn’t want to do it again, so that man brought me back to the same place and said he will do it again and show me how, and he did that, and now I am not so scared anymore, and also I know this lady, and her daughter girl in spirit. Geoff – Crystal? Verna (Priscilla) – Yes Crystal, she is almost my teacher, well my small teacher, she is my….. I don’t know what to call her. Geoff – She teaches you and she is your friend at the same time. Verna (Priscilla) – They are telling me………… she is a prefect, in our classroom she is our prefect and she tells us, and teaches us what to do, and when to do it, and how to do it, and what we can’t do and what we can do, and all that, and you know what she likes to do best of all is flowers, because you know that we pick the flowers and then we put them in the pot, vase, and then you see when you pick the flowers there, where you live they die, when we pick the flowers where we live they don’t die, and if we want to change them, we just change them, we just think and the flowers change. And you know what we never can harm them, you don’t…… they are telling me something, you don’t harm your flowers when you pick them to put them in your vase, because they would die anyway, so they say I must tell you that I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. (Laughs) Because you don’t harm them or hurt them, if you pick them carefully with love then they love you and, yes they die, but they don’t hurt. But they do die, and you know what they don’t come to spirit, they don’t come up here. Isobel – Oh really, where do they go? Verna (Priscilla) – I don’t know, they just die. Geoff – But when you think of the flowers, if you don’t think of them the right way, then they won’t appear the right way, will they? Verna (Priscilla) – You should see some of them, but you know what, I don’t know what else to say to start telling you something, I’m five. I’ve forgotten what I wanted to say now, making flowers……… Geoff – When is your birthday? Verna (Priscilla) – I don’t know. Geoff – When you are born on earth you have a birthday, and then when you pass over into spirit, you have a dead day, don’t you? Verna (Priscilla) – Nooo, we don’t call it a dead day, you are silly! Isobel – Do you celebrate your dead day? Verna (Priscilla) – It’s not a dead day! You know what it is like another birthday! Think if you went down on earth and you called your birthday your dead day! (Laughs) Because you dead from here and you are new there, and then you say Happy dead day to you! (Laughs) And White Feather, he says I am mad, he says I must go now, he says it is enough. Geoff – Okay you must tell us your name before you go. Verna (Priscilla) – My name is Priscilla. Geoff – Okay so are you going to come back and talk again sometime? Verna (Priscilla) – If that man brings me, yes. Geoff – Yes, I am sure he will, and you can come back every dead day. (Laughs) Verna (Priscilla) – When is your dead day? I can sing for you on your dead day, when? Geoff – 23rd of May. Verna (Priscilla) – I will remember and we will all sing on your dead day, I have to say, they are calling me, you know what, I have to say God bless you, and all your families, they are shouting at me because I am being naughty when I am saying God bless you, and your families and remember every day is a new wonderful day, and keep it that way. Bye bye, I have to go now. Geoff – Isobel there are three children standing behind you and your guide, and one of them wants to channel. So just relax and slow down your breathing, when you slow down your breathing, you will raise your vibrations, and allow them to connect with you. Your guide is holding a little girl who is sort of between two or three, and she has being dying to talk, and he has said he will help her, and she is very giggly, and he is like trying to put her in, she thinks this is hysterically funny, and he says you will enjoy the feeling. Verna – She has got the one leg up like she wants to step into Isobel. (Laughs) Geoff – And he doesn’t have to but he is like lifting her up to put her in. Verna – He is saying “I can’t hold your hand when you go in to channel, two of us can’t go in”, and she is saying “I’m not going”. Geoff – Well, she has been introduced to the experience, which is enough for the first time I think. Verna – I have a feeling that she is very close to the young girl who channeled through me, they might even be sisters. Geoff – Because Priscilla channeled through you, she wanted to do it, but she is a bit young, she is only between two and three. And when she was taken away, remember I said you must help your friend…..the monk was Isobel’s guide and he was helping her, and now she has had the experience, so she is happy.

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