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The Morning High Vibration Visualisations

The Morning High Vibration Visualisations

Free to members

Visualisations that gently lead you into your natural state of being ~ no matter what the outside circumstances around you are.  



Raise your vibrational level ~ be in alignment with the Universal energies.

We tend to forget who we truly are and the space we are.

Visualisations that gently lead you into your natural state of being ~
no matter what the outside circumstances around you are. 

Morning High Vibration Visualisation ~ Guides you into a powerful, peaceful space of
being, so that you can experience your day from a different space and energy. Ideally try to
listen to the morning visualisation before the momentum of life begins around you. But if you
don’t manage that, then grab a moment when you can. Recorded with the ocean and all the
morning creatures greeting you.
(15 minutes, 38 seconds)

These guided visualisations are best listened to every morning and every evening for at least
21 days.  After 21 days, you will have formed a ‘habit’ and be more in the flow. Thereafter,
you can choose to listen to them whenever required and however often you choose.  
If you miss a morning or evening, that’s ok. Don’t judge yourself, knock yourself or go into
the wrongness of you. Simply carry on.