Spiritual Dictionary

we are a free teaching website based on first-hand experiences and insights from spiritual teachers on the other side.
it shows you where we are all going and how to get there.


Many religions
1189 How Buddhism is changing (Good audio)
1431 A Rabbi explains his religion
1430 – Cowboy era and the Gutenberg bible
1429 How to get past the religious barriers
1428 Amish leader explains their life – happy but not evolving
1273 New Religious energies will calm down their followers(Audio)
1057  Khalif promises to talk on religion
1069 Muslims – the hardest Religion to change
1070 Updating religions (Africa)
1071 – Taliban and Religion
1072 Christianity in Schools and Government
1077 A King from 10th Century
1078  Spiritualism is an Understanding of life
1079 Jesus explains why Religions are not all that bad
1080 Khalif explains how many civilisations have been created on Earth
1058 Our visitor Khalif explains Hinduism
1059 Khalif explains Buddhism
1060 Khalif talks about Aboriginals
1061 Khalif talks about the Māori people
1062 Khalif talks about Bushmen
1258 How ISIS reacts to the Arab change(Audio)
1032 Correcting Religious energy
1005 An in-depth explanation as to what God really is (Very good)
1006 A Guide explains how they teach Buddhist Women
911 Why there are differing levels of spiritual understanding
817 How religions will change Part 1
818 How religions will change Part 2 (Wars)
772  Religions start to fade away
746 – Thinking the right way to help change Religions and Government
728 2nd May 2022 Energy to create a new Church.
727. 2nd May 2022 Closing old religions – making space for a new way
709 Memory rods in India will balance their thinking of religions and Gods
708  April 2022 New Muslim leader and how religions will change

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