Spiritual Dictionary

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In this meditation Miriam is channeling a guide.
 Geoff – Now I saw a doorway, went through it, inside was a very primitive metal hoist, and round chimney that went up maybe a hundred feet. I have gone to the top in this hoist and I am in a minaret is it, the top is a very tall tower, like a roof on it, there are no railings the sides looking down are sheer, there is a canopy over my head, with a bell. It is like a church tower or minaret. Miriam (Channeling) – A minaret. Geoff – Now I know from here, Muslims are called to pray five times a day, and I am sitting on the edge now looking over this Muslim city, and it is something to do with Iraq and Iran. Right, there is tremendous disharmony, but this is made so much stronger by the groups of religions, you have the Muslims on one side and Mohammedans on the other side. Miriam (Channeling) – Yes. Geoff – Now both sides are dedicated to their respective religions, but when the country started to fight, so the one religion assumed that the opposite religion would be the enemy, now there are so many in this religious group that they create a very powerful force, it is like two gigantic forces and as they come together the dividing line, of the two sides pressed together, becomes turmoil, and depressed, uncertainty, anger. Now as these groups pray, I have seen the Muslims pray, and they all pray at once, now I can see this huge, immense circle of Muslim minds now suddenly changing from the anger it felt as a group to the harmony of prayer. Now it is not a beautiful golden harmony, it is a clinical form of harmony, something that they have been brought up to do and therefore many of them do it without putting their hearts into it. Miriam (Channeling) – That is it, without putting their hearts into it, it is too mechanical.   Geoff – Yes, now as they finish prayer, so the grayness, the anger begins to return to that group, and the same happens on the other side, the Mohammedans get a lot of peace in the evenings with their families, and this is quite a harmonious time, I can see this is a dull orange and chocolate brown, and then as this harmonious stage finishes so the anger starts to build again, but not as much as the Muslims. Now I just want to give to both parties, to put energy into both sides, which will circulate and multiply, and there must be a way of doing this. I think first of all, if I call on other spirits to give lots of power and energy, it would use a lot of energy and it will have to be re-done all the time, whereas if I can find a system whereby the energy that I put in is multiplied through the group mind, expands throughout the group mind, then it will be more permanent. Miriam (Channeling) – Yes. Geoff – The way to do this is to get a group of people and work on them, and I have a group now, and what they are getting is a purple, mauve colour, by somebody else, but I think what I am seeing is a spiritual group in amongst this one. Miriam (Channeling) – You are. Geoff – Now the spiritual group of course can re-create, so by giving them and finding them the right colours to use and keeping them thinking positively and to continue having faith, they will recreate more of this energy and it will begin to seep out into the community around them. And the more people they get who are not necessarily converted to spiritualism but believe somehow in this energy or the positive-ness, they will again expand that energy, until it spreads throughout. There are other things to see as it spreads out, for instance there is one black patch where you would get the dedicated fanaticals who could never be changed, they would have to be worked on in a different way. Now there are several other guides here behind me, and what they are showing me is, when you have two communities like this it is like being in management in a way, you have got to control the whole community, and not the individuals.   Miriam (Channeling) – It is, and that is a good description. Geoff – Now it is not a case of who ever you find, you can heal them and give them love and so on, they must be taught and they must experience a variety of different things as a group as well as individuals, as the individuals progress they will be taught a different way. I am seeing the job of the person who controls a part of these two groups, although there are a lot of them, there has to be somebody directing them, quite something to see, now on my left is a monk, a very happy guy, he is dressed like a monk, but he has been working with the Muslims for many centuries, it is his ambition, his desire to advance them to such a stage that they begin to learn faster and faster and he is happy now in this particular period, the last thirty, forty, fifty years where the different religions and tribes of countries have talked to each other and communicated more. Each one goes through this stage of getting more weapons, getting stronger, dictatorships and so on and then they calm down to more harmonious people. There are still several countries to reach this critical point where wars break out, where there is a lot of hardships and so on, but it is all part of an overall lesson for these people to learn, for they can’t progress until they have been through this stage and learnt this particular lesson. Now going up another stage and looking down on the whole of the Middle East, you see a much bigger game plan, and you can see all these little groups must experience many things before, each stage is progression, some will achieve it a lot quicker then others, and now I am talking about whole groups, whole countries, and as they convert or progress then they can assist others to progress. Miriam (Channeling) – And that is how the wars will be solved eventually, but it will take time. Geoff – But we must not be sad at the loss of life and suffering, obviously we feel when there is great suffering, but we must understand that it is for their own good, for their advancement for without the suffering, they will not understand it, and they will not learn that they must not inflict this sort of   thing on others. So although we will feel saddened when we see it we must understand that it is for the good in the long term. Now there are several spirits around me, it is like one huge circular ledge looking down on the whole of the Middle East, it is just the way it is being shown to me, and all the spirits around me are uniform in their appearance, which means they are here specifically for this task of overlooking this particular area, and as I look down I see many, many more levels of spirits experienced in different things, each guiding spirits below them. They are all in communication, from the spirits right at the bottom level to the spirits at the level where I am now, and the spirits surrounding me can understand immediately what is going on with the hundreds or even thousands of spirits on the levels below. The communication links are quite fantastic and everything is monitored and looked after, there is not one soul that is left out, when that one person requires help, he only has to ask. For those that don’t know and don’t ask for help, they are still supported. Miriam (Channeling) – Is that not a good thing to be able to see? Geoff – Yes, it certainly is, and I looked upwards and there are just tiers and tiers of other people, other spirits experiencing different things, and then I saw the future, and different planets, universes and so it goes on into infinity, all part of this huge scheme which I haven’t yet the experience to understand. Miriam (Channeling) – Not even I understand it all, and it will be a long time before I do, because I intend to carry on with this work for some time. But now I think I must ask you to close because the power from your father is waning. We think that he needs it himself now, but I have enjoyed it and I hope that you have enjoyed it too. Geoff – I certainly have – thank you.

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