Spiritual Dictionary

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The Change of the Earth with Geoff Hindmarch WhatsApp 082-3256-889

Geoff square
1482  Grey energy to capture updates during the Change
1468 Wars will accelerate from Jan 2024(Audio)
1464 The change – media starts Jan 2024(Audio)
1425 The change for the media – Negative and positive influence
1423 How the Change effects economy, Governments and Religions
1403 – Too many lies now – truth is coming with the change
1361 Perception of change(Audio)
1360 How big Companies might change(Audio)
1298 What will happen to money (Very good audio)
1147 Professors at Oxford and Harvard are going to admit what they are teaching is now wrong
1317 New generation will have watered down hatred for the change (Audio)
1279 How the change will effect your senses(Audio)
1278 How the change will effect your work(Audio)
1276 How the change will effect food(Audio)
1275 How the change will effect housing(Audio)
1256 Our regular guide shows how more of the change starts(Audio)
1252 People teaching what they believe to be right find out they are wrong(Audio)
1251 Adjusting peoples pattern of thinking to positive(Audio)
1248 Fire and floods allow areas to restart the new way(Audio)
1241 How Spirit influence people with thoughts and energy(Audio)
1237 Women leaders in the far East, plus war in North Korea (Audio)
1129 Sharon chats to Guide about new era (Good Audio)
1131 Old Nuns become Happy teachers (Audio)
1133 Spirit explains how they are waiting to get started(Audio)
1117 New way containers will travel (Audio)
1118 One new weapon per Country is coming (Audio)
1116 How the change will affect the wealthy(Audio)
1101 Talking to a Guide who helps people set in their ways(Audio)
Government tries to take advantage of the change (Audio)
1051 How the rich will adjust their finances(Audio)
1052 Many small groups helping with the change(Audio)
Guide gives advice on new beginnings-Audio
1073   People will accept LGBT
1074 Uniting people with the availability of food
995 Humans will become smaller and healthier
1033 The difference between men and women
1041 Refuges camps level the playing fields
1021 Groundhog day lesson
How the Change of the Earth will happen
935  –  Your technology is now (Sept 22) able to create 100% fake everything
896 Aug 22 Different reactions to the change (Part 1)
897 Aug 22 Different reaction to the change (Part 2)
889 How Countries will change – Africa
902   Civilizations and evolving – England
903   Civilizations and evolving – America
904 Civilizations and evolving – India
907 Spirit creating new civilizations
901 Declining of Religions – Buddhist
902 Declining of Religions – Hindu
904 Declining of Religions – Islam
888 How Countries will change – India
866 Chatting to spirit as to how the new era will unfold (Part 1)
867 Chatting to spirit as to how the new era will unfold (Part 2)
862 July 22 Ten years to go (Part 1)
863 Ten years to go (Part 2)
880 How “The Change” will affect the other Countries
875 How we will help others with the change
824 (July 22)   Sending Sri Lanka energy Part 1
825 Sri Lanka part 2 restructuring the Country
Some of what the Change of the earth will fix
23 March 2022. Lessons on Weather and Earth
17th April 2022 Religions, their followers and change
How the Pope makes decisions
15th April 2022 A Teacher channels through Sharon about storing memories
Let’s see where you all fit in here
20th March 2022 The different energies religions create.
951 March 2022   Teaching people to think the right way
How religions die by SpiritualDictionary.com
VILLAGE IN THE FUTURE By SpiritualDictionary.com
Why the weather is so extreme

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