Spirit: I find it a little unusual and not surprising (lol) to use your physical body and your communication. (lol)
S: Hello and welcome.
Spirit: Thank you. It is such a culture shock to travel from where we are to where I am now, and whenever we do it, it is an extreme difference from the way we live to the way we meet visitors, and to be able to communicate like this using your internal memories and physical body. It would be a good exercise for you to consider visiting another planet, another species, but instead of just visiting, being able to communicate through the person there.
S: Mmm.
Spirit: Because you have done it, or this one (Geoff) has done it, several times, but the communication on the other side when you get there is simply through thought, through understanding, through transferring of memories, etc. But to actually arrive and communicate verbally is a different story. As you can see, I’m just getting used to it and so on.
S: You are doing very well.
Spirit: What happens when you visit another species, like I’m doing in the verse, it is you will get there and you will assume that you are talking telepathically, whereas in actual fact you are communicating verbally in their particular language, as I’m doing that with yours.
S: Oh my word.
Spirit: Yes, something you…
S: So you think what needs to be said and it’s translated?
Spirit: Yes, but you don’t realize you’re doing it. So when you are in a different dimension, talking to a different race, in a different language, you assume that you are just communicating with the mind. Whereas in actual fact, you can be channeling, as I’m channeling through you now, and speaking verbally in their language that they understand.
S: Shew, wow.
Spirit: Yeah. So imagine if we came here and we simply communicated on a telepathic level, you wouldn’t really be convinced that it was happening, it would be just a possibility, it would be in your mind. And yet here, when you can hear the actual sounds, then you can, it’s far more believable.
S: Vibrational level, yeah.
Spirit: Yeah. Now, we understand this, and when we get visitors, quite often it is that way. But I’ve been asked to explain this to you tonight, just so you understand. It’s one more thing that you hadn’t actually thought about.
S: No, I had not. So thank you for that.
Spirit: Something different each time. Now, the next thing is where we come from. It’s very, it’s almost an impossible task. You see, I have, I can only use what knowledge you have in your mind to direct you to where we came from.
S: Okay.
Spirit: Because we might call our planet ABC, but you call it DEF. So there is no way to actually see. I would have to look at your understanding of the stars and what you see now is a Milky Way, the actual galaxy, etc. But behind that, there are trillions of other galaxies. And we’re one of those way back there. So it may, it’s a bit of a waste of time to say, well, we come from that particular planet. It does have a name, but.
S: How do you live on that planet? What do you have? What do you believe?
Spirit: OK. The, let’s see. I’m trying to describe the planet. It has no atmosphere. It doesn’t need atmosphere. If you can imagine pyramid type structures, not perfect pyramids, but all different shapes and sizes, maybe squished in on one side or two sides or whatever. And they’re all joining side by side. It looks like they’re made out of silver foil.
S: Okay.
Spirit: And this covers the entire planet. So you see the planets. All you see is silver and you see these mountains sticking up. All that is there is information. It’s, we live, we communicate on this planet and we develop as a planet. We develop as a species. We go to other planets to visit to gain information. But we don’t live on other planets to understand them. Yeah, we can bring information back.
S: Yes.
Spirit: So at a level where it’s what you call a mental level, but it’s one of these, there’s so many different ways of evolving through mental levels. As you experienced last night with your little family of colours.
S: Mmm, yes, indeed.
Spirit: Yeah, so many different ways. So we can see all these different ways. And there are different ways of communication, besides the different languages and different dimensions, different ways of communication. So there’s just literally thousands, hundreds of thousands of different methods of evolving. So it’s fascinating for us to see all of these. So what we do is we collect so many, we visit people, we understand, we look into their background, we take all the information away. I mean, we do this for years and then we’ll all get together and we’ll decide, we’ll look at all of this at once. And we’ll decide on, what do we want to do next?
We don’t want to go and live each one of these lives. We can actually go through the lives in a matter of minutes. Coming here now, I can see your life, your lives, I’ve already seen them. I don’t have to ask your permission because you already gave it some time ago. I can see when I arrive, you’re happy for us to do that. So now we’ve gathered all your information, we’ll go back and tomorrow night I’ll maybe visit another planet or another species or another dimension.
Anyway, once we gather all this information, then we will basically not even sit around a table. We just communicate with each other. We’re just, how would you put it? Not even colors, just a basic, a blank energy source, all one color. What’s a good way to put this? It’s a bit like a light bulb. We’re all pretty uniform, but even that doesn’t fit very well. We all communicate together as one, one group mind, yet we were individual at the same time. So we can think individually, but we can also communicate as a group.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: So when we want to communicate, we simply do, but we don’t have any places to live, stay. We don’t eat, drink, sleep, so on. We exist, we just exist as energy. That’s a better way to put us. We’re just a singular form of energy that gathers information. Now you can imagine a computer chip, how much information is stored on one chip. Imagine how much information can be stored on the whole planet.
S: Yeah, right.
Spirit: So we develop and every so often in a few of your years, we will group together and we’ll decide what do we want to do now. We want to look more into this direction and there are so many different possibilities and variations and things to keep us amused, to keep us interested. And then off we go, we look in that direction.
What you have here on earth is basically you’ve got your emotions and you’ve got your energies; you’ve got your dimensions. And you go through life with just the bare necessities of existence. So it’s a bit like us looking at how you are evolving. It’s a bit like you looking at how cavemen evolved.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: Also, I don’t mean that in a nasty way.
S: Yes.
Spirit: There’s an enormous amount of energy because there’s just such a huge variety.
S: Oh, there’s a lot of primitive people on this planet. Lol.
Spirit: Lol. There well and truly are. But the point I was getting to is that you have the very basic forms of energy, emotion and feelings and so on. But imagine if you had, if we could activate more of your senses. So for example, that you could see more colors, you could sense more smells and you could have far more emotions. You’ve got just basic love, hate, anger, jealousy, ego, but there are hundreds more that you haven’t experienced. I won’t even try to explain them to you.
But you can only reach those levels of all these different emotions and feelings once you’ve evolved to a few stages later.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: So once you get rid of this physical stage, you get onto the mental stage and then you start to develop from there. And then it’s a matter of joining up with many others and experiencing so many things, different ways. It’s like you’re given more computer chips every time and you just get bigger and better.
S: Upgraded. Lol.
Spirit: Yeah, upgraded. Lol. That’s a nice way to put it. That can be my name, “Upgrade”.
S: Upgrade.
Spirit: We are from the Upgrade planet. Lol.
S: I love that.
Spirit: Yeah. So now as far as traveling goes, it’s a matter of, traveling is not huge distances. You have huge distances in your particular dimension and you have all these planets and we obviously exist on one of these planets a long way away, but you can, or we can, skip from one dimension to another. And we can skip to another dimension, which is basically next door to you here on earth. So for us to travel across the galaxy, across the universe is a very simple process.
Let me see if I can explain that in your terms. Internet is a very good example. You have a sound and communications that you send through internet. So imagine if you could exaggerate that a little bit more, thought is creation and therefore you could transport yourself into a different area.
S: Think yourself there.
Spirit: Yeah. And that can be done and that’s exactly what we do. So distance doesn’t make any difference at all.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: The distance you have, your internet speed would probably go around the world in a second, maybe several times, but you can imagine something which is maybe a million times faster. And it has to be, you continually progress all the time. So everything improves, you know, your speed, your light, your height, weight, depth, all sorts of different senses. Then you add on more and more senses and you see more and more things.
And then, I mean, just think of the creatures, for example, like you have a spider on this planet and a spider has eight eyes. I think that’s fascinating. It’s fascinating to see eight eyes in a physical being. And whereas you don’t really need them, you don’t need them to see me. You’ve got your eyes closed, you can see me or whatever.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: And when you go to different planets and see different people, you simply don’t need physical eyes.
S: Yeah, yeah, it’s energy. Yeah.
Spirit: So that’s just another way that we do that, yeah. Now, procreation is one of the things you haven’t asked about. Thankfully, it’s nothing I have to explain, but we don’t procreate as such. You have a physical out here, but we don’t need it because, let’s see, our equivalent of higher selves simply create another small life force.
S: Yes, yeah.
Spirit: And that life force can just join us if we need one. But of course, at a stage we don’t need, we don’t need to have offspring to pass information on so that they can evolve because for that to happen, you must have a life. You must die at a certain age, as you do here on this planet. So where we don’t die as such, we simply exist until we’re ready to move on to a different plane, you don’t need offspring to carry on.
S: So you’re not there to learn lessons and stuff, you’re there to…
Spirit: Correct, yeah. Now, you’re down here to experience lessons to take back to your higher self.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: But when you’ve finished all these lessons in physical, your higher self can then move to different planets and experience different things on its own as a mental level, because you’ve got the central point, which is your higher self, and it has offspring, tentacles going off in all different directions, gathering information and bringing it back to the source.
S: Yep.
Spirit: So you don’t need to have young.
S: Yeah, it makes sense.
Spirit: Yeah. You see also what I’m seeing, I mean, although I’ve evolved over many, many, many thousands of years, I hate to think in your terms, how long it’s taken for us to evolve, but what I’m seeing now in your actual culture, the physical act of procreation and giving birth and so on, is something I haven’t seen for millennia, centuries, because that we did away with many, many lifetimes ago. So it’s fascinating to see.
S: That’s so funny.
Spirit: But it’s interesting to see how you’ve developed, especially the two of you in amongst all of these others, developing their own ways. Now, I know you’ve learned a little bit more than all the others have, which is part of your evolving, part of what you chose to do at this level. So it’s fascinating to see that, fascinating to see. And you see, another thing we have the great advantage of, is I can now see probably in your terms, maybe 10,000 people around you, just from here while I’m talking to you. And I can see and understand what they’re doing and how they think. I can basically read all their thoughts, if you like.
S: Shew.
Spirit: Because it’s simply an energy and you can tune into that energy. It’s like playing music. It’s, you’ve got a simple thing, you play the music and you can hear it. So the music is there, you just need to play it. So that’s how we tune into all of these people. And whereas you can tune into one, we can tune into many, many more. It’s just through more experience and the ability to be able to do that.
S: Yeah, yeah.
Spirit: Mmm. So that’s fascinating. So again, now I come along and I see all of this and I enjoy what I see because it’s like you going back in history and seeing how the Romans conquered the area, the Roman empire. It’s fascinating to see. And it was something 2,000 years ago in your terms. And then for us to see something which is several thousand lifetimes ago, 100 lifetimes ago, same thing. It’s relevant. It’s looking back in history, to how… I mean, we obviously developed along these lines many, many, many years ago.
S: But it was so different.
Spirit: Yeah. Yeah, so different. But where you’ve developed, if you just take your, for example, let’s just say caveman days to today, which is a period of maybe 300,000 years.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: We did that maybe, I don’t know, a zillion centuries ago. So we actually did that and then progressed past that.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: Okay, let me just see what else I can show you here. Maybe you have a question?
S: Not at the moment, I’m thinking. Lol
Spirit: You never have a question. I’ve seen that. Lol. Quite understandable, of course. Your animal kingdom. Your animal kingdom and your nature kingdom and so on, we don’t have any more. We can create whatever we feel to make us feel comfortable. Now, if you wanted to, let’s say you were at the next level where thought is creation and you wanted to take a break, you could just create a beach and you could lie on the beach and you could soak up the sun or lie next to a stream or whatever you felt like doing.
And animals are involved and pets, as you have pets here, I can see. We’ve done away with all of that because our enjoyment is at a totally different level. For us to lie next to a beach or a river means nothing because there is no, we’ve learned all of those emotions. We’ve experienced them and we’ve reached as far as we can get with those emotions.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: So we look at different emotions and once you’ve completed those particular levels, then we can discard them and look at more. And then you look at more, a selection of them together and all different selections and so on. So when we want to enjoy ourselves, if we want to be comfortable, there are a few things we can do. One of them is traveling, like I’m doing now, which is very entertaining, very enjoyable to do.
The other is to recollect because we have memories which go back hundreds of thousands of years. And it’s a bit like you, you forget what happened when you were maybe two years old. So we can maybe just decide to go back into a generation when I was 10 years old or a hundred or whatever it might be, and just experience something else there. And I can go into it and rewatch it just like a movie. And I watch it at the level I was at then, the same as I could come back and experience the level that you’re at here. And I could experience it as solid as both of you experience every day, where things you touch are physical and your senses are just in this particular setting.
S: Shew. Yeah.
Spirit: So that’s a very enjoyable thing to do. The other thing to do when we want to, to feel very comfortable and satisfied is to recreate an energy, which is like that. Now you find something very satisfying. When you complete an assignment, when you grow something, when you have a success in something, you get this wonderful feeling. When you think of the things you did with your mother and the good days and so on, those are nice creations. Now that creates an energy. It’s a happy, comforting energy. And what we can do is we can recreate that energy without going back and linking it to a specific event that happened. We just recreate the energy and lie in that energy and enjoy that energy.
S: Shew.
Spirit: Yeah. So that’s the comfort we have.
Spirit: So you can either experience it or just enjoy the energy of it.
Spirit: Yes, that’s right.
S: That’s amazing.
Spirit: Yeah. So we don’t have to, we don’t have to do too much. We, our minds are open all the time. They’re working all the time. Your minds are very complicated. They’re very bogged down with day to day living, especially your financial problems, your government problems and your health problems in this planet. Oh, all sorts of things I can see. Pollution, huge problem on your planet and nature and how it’s being abused, all sorts of things. Now we don’t have to worry about all of that. We’re way past that. So we think on a much higher level. Now everything is relevant, of course. And so you’re going to ask if we have bad days. And the answer is not really. A bad day to us is not having a really good day. So it’s just a good day instead of a really good day.
Now, as you know, you’ve got to have, you know, this high, low and in the middle. For us, it’s the high is a very good day. The low is just a good day. That’s how we’ve moved it.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: So a good day, it’s just, it’s not a very good day. It’s just a good day. But that’s so, and we enjoy the day.
S: And if it’s just a good day, you can have a seriously good movie night.
Spirit: Yeah, you can do all sorts of things. The nice part is we can change as much as we want to.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: When you have the ability though, to change into anything and do anything and create anything, then it takes away a little bit of the excitement and the mystery of trying to do something, et cetera. So we look for things to do where it’s something maybe that we haven’t thought of before. And that can be an absolute extreme by mixing several different energies at once and just seeing what will happen.
S: Shew.
Spirit: Bit difficult to explain, but I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from, et cetera.
S: Yes, yeah.
Spirit: So we have no pets. We have no nature. We have just thought, experience.
S: You have no need for that, yeah.
Spirit: Yeah. Yes, another one is watching other planets. This you will find interesting. Planets change all the time. Your earth has been around for billions of years and it takes a while for it to, first of all, cool down, then life to start and so on. We can watch that process absolutely speeded up. We can speed that up into a few of your minutes, for example, the whole thing.
So when we look out at the universe next to us, we can sort of play back the universe to sort of when it started or play it back a million or 2 million years or whatever, we can actually see it move and change and so on.
S: Shew.
Spirit: So it’s not a matter of, I wonder what happened…. we can actually see. We can actually create and make it happen. So that’s fascinating. And there you see all sorts of very beautiful, majestic displays where you get these nebulas expanding and what’s a better word,…galaxies opening up and being created.
S: Shew.
Spirit: I mean, the size is absolutely phenomenal. It’s a bit like you looking over your world here saying, I wish I could walk in every field on this planet. That’s how we see all the different galaxies over here. There’s so many of them. Okay, now I have an eye looking at me. Lol. Now, when an eye looks at me, it’s basically my, what would you call it? My overseer protector, if you like, saying, it’s time to come back, you’ve had enough time. So, play time is over. It’s time to come home. Lol.
S: Aww. That was lovely though.
Spirit: Yes. Thank you for having me. I’ve really, really enjoyed it. And I’ve enjoyed looking at all your memories. I will certainly take them back and share them with others.
S: Thank you and enjoy your movies.
Spirit: Thank you and maybe we can meet again one day.
S: Yes, that would be lovely.
Spirit: And maybe you can come and visit us and talk to us in our own language.
S: I think we would definitely try and do that. Definitely. And thank you so much.
Spirit: Maybe not for a while.
S: Maybe not for a while. Chat to my E.
Spirit: Thank you.
S: Thank you.
S: Okay. He so badly wants us to go and visit him.
G: Yes. That was great. God, that is just so advanced.
S: Mm. They can do anything. They can go back in time, relive it, be in it. Or they can just get the energy of it. Or they can just…
G: Yeah. Quite amazing
S: Anything. It’s just there’s no pussy footing around. It’s just… Let’s play with… What if we mix that energy with that energy and… Wow.
G: Mmm. Let’s see if anybody else wants to chat. That’s going to be a hard one to beat. Let’s see if there’s anybody else.
That was… I left my body for a minute. I’m sure I did. It was like… I suddenly couldn’t feel anything. Couldn’t feel being here. As if I moved a couple of feet out of my body and back again.
S: Shew. Oh, you see, that’s him pulling you away. You know, he wants you to go and visit. So he couldn’t stop saying, Come visit. Come visit us. Come visit us. He’s pulling you. Lol.
G: Okay. Lol. Back in a couple of years.
S: Oh my word.