S: Mmm. I think we are going to get another visitor. This seems to be from the planet Pleiades, which I’ve been discussing the last few weeks with Fiona. And what I’m seeing is not an individual, but it’s like seeing a group of people, maybe 10 or 12 standing, sort of three rows deep, but they’re slightly translucent. I’m not seeing the individual person. I’m seeing all together. I can see through them all. The color is light blue all around. They seem to have a group energy above their heads. It’s like a gray mist going around, which seems to be a group energy, a group mind.
And I sort of get images coming backwards and forwards, nothing clearly. And the images are a bit like they are shiny star figures, they are coming and going. They’re energy, very strong energy. And that is, I don’t know anything about these people, so. And I think the first couple of things we had this evening are to do with this because we must never assume. And I’m assuming these are a race of people, quite different aliens, etc.
Anyway, so I’ll just completely relax and ask them just to show me more about them and see if I can confirm that with others. Now there is this huge distance. Now, I’m saying it’s a huge distance, but we know from last night that distance means nothing. There is no such thing between planets as a huge distance. So this distance I’m thinking is time. It’s not a, yes, they say it’s time. It’s not a, they don’t exist anymore as they are showing me. Now again, you see, I’ve been told that they do exist and they’re coming to help us, etc.
And they’re saying watch, watch and see. I’ll go into them.
Spirit: Okay. Unfortunately, you cannot see where we have developed to at this particular stage. It would be very unfair of you to see the abilities that we have compared to the abilities that you have. Our situation is not so much that we’re coming to solve the problems on this planet. We’re simply around as advisors when is needed by your gardeners, as you call them, as the earth changes.
We’ve had a lot of experience in the past developing different ways and over many, many thousands of years and on different planets in different ways. And we’ve basically developed our particular way, which is not your way, but there are some things, some similarities where we can assist you, help you. And this is in the understanding of, let’s say, understanding the spiritual realm. What can be done in spirit? You’re at a stage where you’re developing and you will eventually move over to a non-physical realm, where you will be able to work and teach and progress and so on without the use of physical bodies. It’s a long way off yet.
Now, we’ve already passed that in a way, in a different way than you. This is all I can really say in a different way. So we can come and help and we can assist where possible just by nudging you in the right direction and so on and so on, but not actually making any serious changes. The reason we’ve been in touch with people is simply because of the development that we have. Let me try and simplify it for you, we have many higher selves in our society and our higher selves, some have chosen to experience different things on different planets. They will then bring that information back to us or back to their higher selves and they will see where it fits in with evolving, with the way that we are evolving.
What we don’t want to do is start evolving like other planets. So all we want to do is pick up various pieces of information. So it’s a bit of a trade. We come here, we pick up information and we leave little bits of information for you to develop in your own particular way on your own particular planet. Most of our society develops through discussions of the mind, not so much experience. We started off with a much…., we didn’t go through the caveman stage etc, etc. We started off on a much higher level. So we started off basically as energy on a particular planet, developed into more forms of energy. That’s the simplest way to put it. And because you, well, let’s just leave it as that, different forms of energy. And then we let those energies develop, understand.
But without real physical bodies, there wasn’t a lot that we could do on the planet, unless we actually created physical bodies or created ways of moving, making things and so on, using energy. So that’s where you see this translucent part of us. We can do a little bit, or we did a little bit of each. So I think that you can understand what I’m saying there.
S: Yes.
Spirit: Okay. So where, as thought is creation, if we wanted to create, for instance, a simple dwelling, then instead of creating it automatically in our minds, we would create someone that had the ability to build it. That’s not quite right, but that’s the best way I can explain it at the moment with the information that you’re allowed to have on our particular race and our evolvement.
We then shared all this information and we started to grow and let’s see, it grew very nicely, but it lacked experience, it lacked understanding, it lacked all the different variations of possibilities that you have by having a physical body and having emotions. Emotions are probably something that you have that we didn’t have a lot of. Instead of emotions, we took knowledge, understanding, thinking we will just bypass the product, bypass the product of emotions, not really understanding how it affects the evolving and the actual social process.
S: Yeah, because your emotions are like the barometer of everything, of your thoughts, every thought.
Spirit: Very much so on your particular planet, but you can imagine a planet without emotions.
S: Yeah.
Spirit: Now you had somebody the other day who came to visit with no emotions, if you remember, and they failed to evolve. Ours was similar. We created a lot of really good things because when you can imagine that with a group mind like we had, we could create an awful lot of things that you haven’t achieved as yet, but then again we lacked all the basic fundamentals that you had simply by thinking, but don’t really need those.
So let’s just start halfway through the term and we carry it on from there. Now we’ve since developed from there into various other races, species, etc. It’s a matter of we went back and we said, right, we need to try, let’s do it this way. So we went to a different planet, sometimes same planet, sometimes a different planet and started a different way. But each time we started, we started halfway through the school term. We didn’t want to go through all the bases because we thought we had the knowledge to do that.
So we kept chopping, changing and adding and subtracting and trying to get it right. Instead of what we should have done, we said, right, we’ve learned our lesson. Let’s go right back to stage one and then learn and we can experience all the different possibilities which allow us to develop on a much more solid, stable basis. So we have a lot of, a lot of intellect and a lot of abilities, technological abilities. We can create all sorts of things and not just in the physical, in the, in the ether as well, in space, just through thought, things which you wouldn’t even consider at the moment.
But we are lacking the, lacking an awful lot of love and understanding. Now you will probably meet some of our other groups, we’ll call them, over the next few weeks as they will come and introduce themselves to see or to mainly give you a clear picture of the changes that is happening and who can assist in what ways and so on and so on. The various things.
S: Lovely.
Spirit: Yeah. So I will leave it there and it would not be fair to, it would not be fair to give messages at this stage. But let’s just say we leave it there.
There are lots of people that are with you which understand what you’re going through, your development, they will assist in many, many ways.
S: Lol.
Spirit; Lol. Thank you for listening to me.
S: Thank you.
Spirit: And I hope to speak to you again sometime.
S:I hope so. Thank you.
1625 Your higher self
G: That was, I’ve got that image in front of me of these sorts of dozen or maybe even fifteen, twenty people just standing there and translucent and that was their energy. So they don’t move or that wasn’t moving physically, that was sort of talking to their higher selves if you like.
S: Yeah and now. Okay so they don’t have emotion, that’s why they’re just there.
G: Yeah, did they say they don’t have any emotion or just not that much?
S: No emotions.
G: No emotions, okay.
S: No emotions. They are just thoughts and knowledge. So it’s just thoughts and knowledge.
G: Yeah, so it seems to be what happened is there were some higher selves which….. the higher selves must have, they didn’t learn the basics. So how can a higher self do that?
S: That and…
G: No, sorry, the higher self was simply created by another higher self. That’s how it’s done. You know, we were told a few weeks ago when your higher self eventually goes up, it links up with other higher selves etc. So it’s all like single brain cells in one brain.
S: So we can be everywhere basically.
G: Yeah, so all that happened is my higher self would say right let’s create another higher self and let it develop that way without doing the basics and then I can go back to it years later and learn how it went on or whatever.
S: What went on, yeah.
G: Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Okay.
S: So E’s species as they call them, chose not to have thoughts as creation because you know it doesn’t create anything. It doesn’t, you don’t learn anything from it because you know, you get a hole in one, you get a hole in one. It’s like…poof.
G: What, E?
S: Yeah, their family do not have thoughts as creation. Okay, these people today do not have emotion.
G: Why do you say E’s family don’t have thoughts?
S: No, that’s the one thing they eliminated because they didn’t need it. It didn’t create anything for them. It didn’t help them grow or anything. They just didn’t need it. It didn’t create anything because if you think something is there, it’s like what are you learning? It’s just like there, there, there, there, there, there, if you want something to happen, you can send it with your thoughts and you can do it, yes. But this instant thought is creation thing, they didn’t need it. I have to read through the meditation again. I emailed it to you today.
G: Oh, okay, that one, yeah.
S: But yeah, then these people chose not to have emotion. They couldn’t tell me too much because they developed a totally different way from us and they don’t want what they did to affect what we’re going through.
S: Yeah, and also he was trying to explain things really simply. That’s all I can say, the best way I can say it.
G: That was great. The Sumerians the other day and now the Pleiadeans.