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1626 A chat on Perceptions nd living in the now

G: Okay, let’s just start here. I think this is about assumptions. I started off with a nice forest on the left with very slim trees, lots of sunlight, good nature, very nice, good energy, etc. And then, on the right-hand side, it was like the Earth seemed to be falling away. And then, it sort of changes to, it’s not just falling away, it’s down the side of a mountain which is thousands of feet deep. And I ended up with this little forest right on the top, and it’s a bit like a triangular shape when I go above the forest. It’s triangular shape, and then at the top of the forest, there is a little nature, goes out, and we’re sitting on top of a cliff which is thousands of feet high. And way down the bottom, there’s a gorge, and there’s all sorts of bits and pieces down there.


And it’s, they said, you know, you assumed being in a forest was being on the ground, but you can’t take that assumption anymore. You must just look a bit deeper, and you’ll see more things, and therefore you’re able to experience more things, because more possibilities open up for you.


So I’m now going to walk to the end of this point, right on the end of the cliff, and looking down, there’s thousands of feet. And I’m going to jump, because first of all, I can, and secondly, it’s because they want me to experience something else.


So of course I jump, and I don’t fall, I just walk across in the air, etc. Now I know that there is no height and depth and so on in meditation, you can do what you like. You can move as you like. So why did they show me this? And of course I have a fear of heights. But this doesn’t bother me. It never has in spirit.


S: It’s not about how you perceive something, but with how it is?


G: Yeah, that’s what the lesson is about. Okay, I’m going to go down, I’ve turned around to face the cliff, and I’m going to slowly drift downwards, looking at the cliff, and move past various stages and a few caves and trees. And go right down to the bottom. And now the whole thing is going to fall on top of me. Hmmm, that doesn’t worry me either.


Ah, what you do, is you automatically think of being crushed, if you’re in our time, our dimension. So that’s the way you think. I think we think that way pretty much in meditation anyway, don’t we?


S: Yeah.


G: We wander through caves and mountains and God knows what. We’re not worried about heights or being crushed. So, there’s got to be more.


S: There’s other people’s fears. All fears.


G: Yeah.


S: And fear takes you away from being you.


G: True.


S: And half of them are lies.


G: Yeah, let me go back up to the top again, go back to the top of the cliff. And I’ll just, instead of assuming they want me to jump or whatever, I’ll just sit here and wait to see what happens. OK, I think this is a bit about the book that I’ve been reading. Because I’m reading what we understand, but seeing it from a different perspective, a different viewpoint. Now, I’ve only read a few chapters, but what I’ve read is just the way they see it. We understand the same thing, but we see it in a different way.


S And everyone will perceive it in a different way, because everyone’s reflecting different stuff.


G: That’s quite right.


S: Yep. That’s exactly it.


G: Hmm.


S: So spot on. Because you can have five people sitting around and listening to them, or sitting around anyone listening to them. And every single person will have a different point of view. And pinpoint something different, or different whatever, but they’ll all have their own different points of view because of their own reflection, which creates their own perception.


G: Based on the experience they’ve had.


S: Based on the experience they’ve had.


G: Hmm.


S: Based on who they are.


G: Hmm. OK, so if we had 50 identical babies, as you know, all born exactly the same day, the same time, the same parents, etc. in different areas. And we left them on their own. They would all grow up different ways, because if you make one tiniest change, that will affect the rest of the changes for the rest of your life. So each tiny change you make moves things around. OK. So that’s why everybody will evolve on a different basis.


S: On a different level, different time, different space.


G: Now what’s the same, is when one person, one baby experiences a change, all the rest higher selves experience the same change.


S: Ah.


G: Now, we were saying that our higher self has to learn, and as it moves up with the different levels, then the higher selves start to connect, and form groups and get together. Which is basically, if we see it from their point of view, that’s what that would mean.


S: Yeah.


G: Hmm. OK, that’s very interesting, isn’t it?


S: Yes, or how you see something, how you perceive it, how you explain it, how you draw it, how you… Shew.


G: Hmm.


S: Yeah.


G: So we needn’t concern ourselves with what is right and what is wrong.


S: Yeah, it doesn’t matter anyway.


G: It’s simply a matter of teaching what we believe is right from our perception.


S:Exactly. And then you teach people as well to choose as well. What is right for them. There are two things.


G: Hmm.


S: You know, if it feels light and expansive, it’s for you. If it feels dark and sticky, you know, then don’t choose it. It’s simple. It’s very easy.


G: Yeah.


S: No judgements, no points of views, no whatever, moving on, next.


G: Hmm.


S: And then they kind of start to want more of that. It’s like they get FOMO then. Because it’s like, what am I missing out on? So you energy pull with them by saying, you know, choose this or don’t. I don’t have a point of view about it. And they move onwards to the next or whatever. It creates this, it stirs their energy up, tremendously. Because you have no point of view about whether they want to choose this or choose that.


G: Yeah, and of course everybody, if you take the 50 babies, they all grow up different ways. So they will have more different points of views or whatever.


S: Yeah.


G: And also they will think that their point of view is the right way.


S: Exactly.


G: They’ll want to learn or to maybe look at different possibilities, but they’ll believe what they’re doing is the right way. The same as we believe what we’re doing is the right way of doing it.


S:That’s why to get into the youth, the youth, not the young, but the upper youth today, to make them aware and un-program them. Not to un-program them, they do that themselves. But it’s to make them aware of what else is possible. And not even that, but to make them aware that there’s a difference between the way they’re thinking and a much more expansive possibility. You know, choose it or don’t. Make them aware of tips, tools that can help to change their lives and whatever. But that’s why it’s about helping the sort of youthful generation now. And then of course we’ve got all these new babies coming in with all the energy sort of intact.


G: Mm-hmm. Yeah, so everybody, each person has a different background and therefore they will, when they are each given the same thing, because of their background and experience, they will perceive it to be different ways. But all of that information is connected by the higher self. It doesn’t matter which way you collect that information, which perception you see or want to believe, you’re doing what you believe is the right way for you, which therefore is the right way. So, we’re learning all the different possibilities. The higher self is learning all of those.


Okay, so that’s why living in the now is so important instead of being concerned with past and present and past and future.


S: Yes. Yes to that.


G: Hmm. Okay. Yeah, they’re saying, they’re also just saying, if you don’t worry about the past and future, you’ll manifest what you want to create in the NOW.


S: Yeah, you know how true that is, you know, the day that I’ve had, I’ve just had a clear image of the whole day.


G: Yeah.


S: You know, when I was meant to go and, it’s like I’ve got the video in my mind, it’s so funny, for that little spiel, to get market day money and this, that and the next thing.


G: Yeah.


S: And get back here. When I set off, I thought it was like an hour and a half to go. When I set off, it was like 40 minutes to get back. I was like, what the hell happened to time? So, I did that. I totally stepped in, to the now, be in the space just poof, and I saw my whole world expand. Have you ever been to the bank at like half past 10, during the day, and not have to stand in a queue at the teller, then go to the front door, no queue, then go in, get your ticket, no queue, then go to the teller, no queue.


G: Yeah. Most unusual.


S: That, park car, boom, that, doing coffee, boom, that. I was done completely until I hit traffic to get to the dog food. But the whole, I was exactly that. And I made myself be that and magic happened all around me. And I could feel the energy, I could feel it all flow, which is unheard of, the traffic lights all green, the parking, that bank was just, it blew me away.


G: Yeah.


S: And that was me consciously being the space, which means I’m only here now, right now.


G: A bit like Mom and her parking angels.


S: Yes. Making a demand, you know, parking angels. Boom. But, it’s not, it was different. I was working with the energy of just being completely, OK, here I am, and this huge mass of energy wafting around to make the magic. And be in the now.


G: Yeah. We’ve always said there’s no point in worrying or stressing.


S: Yeah.


G: Like stressing that we can’t pay the rent. But we know that mentally it’s very difficult to do that.


S: Yeah.


G: But logically it’s the right thing to do. Well, it’s the logical thing to do.


S: Yeah. But that’s why it’s learning the tools to move through that and shift through that.


G: Yeah. Fascinating.


S: Yeah. Oh my gosh, there is so much to play with it. There’s so much to do. So many colours, so many energies. It’s like a magical world. Be a witch again.


G: Yeah, they were also saying that, the bit I’ve read, going back to the third dimension is the exciting time, because where they are, where they can create anything they want very easily. They don’t have to stress about making decisions, and what to do next, and the future, and all that jazz.


S: Ah yeah.


G: Because that’s all simplified where they are. But to come down here and have free will, and let it all happen in that space, is an adventure for them. And I’ll have to read the rest to see how it all fits in.


S: Yeah.

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