Spiritual Dictionary

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Spiritual Hypnosis with Martin Pavion. WhatsApp +447341 320193


Martin Pavion: Spiritual Hypnosis Teacher and Specialist

Martin Pavion is a dedicated therapist who has journeyed through life’s challenges to become a specialist in spiritual hypnosis.

With a wealth of experience in personal development, Martin has trained in various therapeutic modalities, including Traditional and Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Past Life Regressions (including QHHT), Channelling, Mediumship, Spirit Releasement Therapy and Spiritual Journeywork.

His diverse background allows him to offer clients a unique approach to healing. After a transformative awakening in April 2022, Martin deepened his spiritual practice and began experimenting with his own ideas, questioning the old methods and consolidating his own style of practice.

Passionate about helping others – especially men – Martin addresses the issues arising from toxic masculinity and societal expectations. He understands the conflicts and discomfort that a spiritual awakening can present and helps clients to navigate through their personal journey.

Martin considers hypnosis as a tool that can bring together; spirituality, philosophy, psychology, channelling, astral-projection, mediumship, spirit guides, angelic connections, past-lives, the akashic records, communication with astral beings and psychic abilities together in a way that clients may not be able to access independently. 

Visit Martin’s website at https://guidedhealing.ltd for a free no-obligations introductory call to learn more..

Spiritual Hypnosis by Martin Pavion

“You’ll find many conflicting definitions of Spiritual hypnosis online but, in its most simple form Spiritual hypnosis is the practice of helping a client to quieten the logical, analytical part of the mind which typically blocks them from accessing spiritual information.

Clients are guided with hypnosis and taken on a sensory journey to; explore past lives, astral travel, experience direct channeling, connect with; their higher-self, non-physical entities, spirit guides, ancestors, loved ones who have passed over. Clients can ultimately experience insights, heal current and past-life traumas. gain physical healings and gain answers to their current-life challenges.

Every client is different so every journey is different. Spiritual hypnosis is fluid, flexible and gives the client what they need in ways they might never have expected and can have profound and immediate benefits to their life”


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