Predictions are getting worse, civil unrest spreads, prices are soaring and there is a constant bombardment of negativity from the media. The community is getting tired and well and truly frustrated.
Values are coming down. Ambition is waning and standards just failing to matter.
What goes next is apathy. Why should I bother getting my driving license renewed? Why bother to ensure the next debit -order doesn’t bounce. Why try to get that promotion in such dismal times.
Without confidence in the future what’s the point?
This is when we need each other, when we need that special friend to keep you focused. The Country is going downhill, the Government is crooked, and crime and corruption are at their highest levels for years, but that doesn’t mean that you have to go down with a sinking ship.
The change is creating the division between those that can make it and those that will learn a hard lesson in this lifetime.
Don’t think this change will be easy – everyone will be tested, and succeed or fail it will be just another lesson for your soul.
Easy to say, but harder to do. Its time to trust your gut instinct – bolster your beliefs and make things happen.