Spiritual Dictionary

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1103 Sharon given green to connect to nature. (S and G only)

On your right-hand side Sharon, there is an area that you use every now and again where people come to see you etc. At the moment it is pretty empty, there is a lot of people standing in the background of the arena if you like, right in front of you, it is empty except on the ground there are several green stripes all over the place. I’m trying to figure out where the green stripes are.
And Mom is right in the background. And she’s watching as well. And everybody seems to be watching these green stripes. And they’re not moving. These are the same as the green that Mom used when she first crossed over to him. But it’s a cushion between grief and the other side.
There’s lots of them there. They’re all spaced apart. So it seems to me it’s something like you’re going to use in the future, Sharon, to maybe use when somebody’s, when you’re about to help somebody cross over or something along those lines. I haven’t got a clear as yet. Okay, this is how it’s all connected. This is just like another twist.
You know the green is this beautiful feeling to stop the grief and so on and so on. It’s also a very peaceful feeling. And that is connected directly to nature. They show me that green connected to roots going to trees. Now you understand that when you want to feel good you go for a walk in the countryside, you go for a walk in the woods etc to give you that tranquil peaceful feeling. It’s part of that energy that they’re using because the difference is going
from 3D to 5D. So you’ve got to have something which is… So you’re going to have something in 3D? Yeah. Ah, Mom thinks it’s Christmas. So now we understand that one. That’s why she went round and she did it all before she crossed over. Wow, that’s a new one. Okay, so when you’re helping people, perhaps cross-over, you can get them to do that.
Anything else in your arena? A lot of people are going. And we’ve got… There’s one black shape there. It’s a bit like… a bit like a flatfish that’s out in the water

it’s back is all slimy and shaped like a flat fish and around it there’s lots of little granules now this is the opposite of a green why would you have an opposite? It is connected to nature as well.
It is a nice opposite. Where would you use that? I mean the opposite is basically saying you want somebody to miss you. It is something which is not used much. It is used by tribes, a lot of tribes, so many tribes in Africa, South America, etc. But when they lose somebody, they have to grieve for a certain period of time.
And the more grief they have, the more outpouring of sobbing and wailing and so on, and that, in their way of thinking, the more grief there is, the more that person was loved. Yes. Yes, you got that. That’s right. So, you probably would never use that.
But it’s just another way of showing you that things are starting to connect up. Your energies are connected to nature.


Now, if we think that is connected to nature, what else could be connected to nature? Everything. Now we are going to have to go to plan C. That’s amazing. I mean the stuff we are getting shown every night is something, another rung up the ladder.

Okay, and the last two days. I’ve been getting how connected we are to nature and to plan In every way we have no idea no realization, but we separate ourselves because of our mind and our thinking

And where did we all start?

Basically in nature.

Going right back to caveman days, if we could evolve through apes, or whatever, then we are all part of nature. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions we’ve got, we were given, and we’ve used those to create the power control, which has driven us further and further and further away from nature.

Yeah. Okay. And that’s why we feel so separate, and that’s why everyone feels separate, because if everyone feels separate, then we all feel separate. Because if everyone actually just lived out in nature, woke up, walked around the field, absorbed flowers and energy,

That would be nice.

They wouldn’t be angry. And they wouldn’t be…

That would make such a nice meditation. Taking them to a place like that where all the energy is so much higher, so much more loved.

Yeah, love.

Yeah, let’s see if there’s anybody else, there’s a few odd faces here. And they’re saying, oh we’re just sort of watching, you know.

We can do that.

You know, a couple of years ago, or whatever, it would be amazing if somebody was here watching us, you know, a few years ago. Now they sort of pop in and say, oh, hi, just visiting, just passing through.

I think we’re their 8pm movie

Let’s go see how the kids are doing. They’ve been doing this a lot recently, I just open my eyes, boink. Because it takes me normally a while to sort of come out of it. And now they’re just going, finished. They didn’t wake me up before.

Things are changing.

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