1119 The next 10-11 years
The road through this change, goes on for many years, but the most important part is the next 10 or 11 years, where things are put into place which will expand and grow over the next couple of generations. It’s like planting seeds, you’ll be doing a lot of that. When it comes to creating the things that we’ve talked about, the futuristic technology things and so on, the natural living, it’s got to start from somewhere, it’s got to start from a very stable base.
As you’ve seen with religions, run by people who think they have the right information to do what they’ve been doing. It’s going to be the same through this change now. One of the things that you’ll have to do is, or will be involved in doing, is making sure that the foundation is correct. Correct. So when something is started, somebody comes up with a new idea, a new way of doing things or whatever, and it’s put into practice, what you’ll be able to see is new types of colours. The colours are just our way of seeing things. So the colours will tell you whether it’s good or bad. It’s to simplify things.
A lot of people will try something and they’ll achieve a success with it and think, well this is it and they’ll carry on from there. Instead of saying, could this be a bigger success? If they spent a bit more time, they could make it hugely different. And this you will do automatically. It’s part of the energy, this new energy that we are talking about, which is coming to basically encompass the whole world. New ways of doing things. Brand new. But you will have access to memories of things that have been done in the past and things that have been done in different areas, different planets, etc. So you will be able to tweak different things using this energy just to get it right.
Maybe the energy will put in people’s minds that they should do this instead of that, just an idea of trying things. And they’ll feel, they’ll sense more what does work and what doesn’t work. And it’s not just technology, it’s for instance growing things, the basics, working with nature, working with animals, the weather, all sorts, because everything has to change. What you’ve got is just a huge complex of ongoing experiences.
Yes, build-ups of energy, which is now going to go forward, but it’s going to change quite dramatically. There’s just thousands of different possibilities, thousands of variations of things which have to change to make it suitable for this new era. Far far more than you can realise at the moment.
Okay. Now a very happy energy that you are going to get in the future is one that you will be able to recognise. You have got a variety of pinks, white and mauve.
If you can just imagine in the background, on the horizon, all these colours just dancing up and down. A bit like the northern lights you see occasionally, or you see on documentaries. It’s interesting, just bouncing up and down, it’s a beautiful colour. And that’s a very happy, very new colour. And that will be put into an awful lot of things.
You’ll see a lot of that in the future. So if something becomes right, and it’s suitable, if you like, then you will see those sort of colours. It means very happy, very comfortable and you progress from there.