1121 My late wife Verna chats through me about how she passed over. (Part 1) This will get confusing as Verna talks through me, and I talk too.
Right, we are going through an arch. A white arch, we are in a garden, like a huge palace type of garden. We go through this arch and down this path, and this beautiful flower on either side. is where we are going and then it wanders to the left. And on the right hand side is a building about 5 storeys, very old and comfortable. It’s been there for a long time, it’s got some greenery growing up the sides like vines etc. It’s a bit like an old age home.
And we get to the end of the path and there is just a circle and the path stops. So I think what we have come to see is this old age home. I think this is when people cross over, they end up in this place. The reason is they expect to…
…… When they pass over it is a huge shift to the mind.
Even people who understand the spiritual life etc. are taken aback by this huge change that is happening. They need to get used to it. And what they understand from the life that they had on earth is that when you are sick you go to hospital, you lie in bed and somebody looks after you.
So this is exactly what happens in this home. That is not so much an old age home, although the majority of people that cross over are old. Obviously they have come to the end of life, etc. That’s mostly those that have been hospitalized on that route?
As long as they’re old and they’ve died. Okay. Where people have died in an accident, it’s a different area. So, it’s people who have died just of old age, either in hospital or at home or whatever, and they end up in an area, a little bit confused. Its where they feel they should be based on experiences they’ve had on earth.
So, what happens is they lie in this hospital bed and there are other people in the ward who’ve had exactly the same experience. The nurses and doctors are actually in spirit and they’re getting the information through to them in a very nice way.
Now, you can send through the energy and the thoughts and so on to the people so that they understand it. But we’ve got to be very careful, we can’t just suddenly switch over. It’s got to be very gently done so that they can understand and follow what’s been going on and then they get to understand it and they get to feel better and they get out of bed.
First let me just go back to the beginning of the path. The archway is basically, it’s a bit like the pearly gates. This is their entrance into heaven. You go in a variety of different ways depending on what people think. What their belief system is, as you keep saying.
So it’s got to be something like that. So they go through this nice white archway, and onto a nice path with all the flowers, and of course they have energy and colours either side. They’re very comfortable doing that. And they’re led to this home, this five-storey old HM whatever, and that’s where they start their recovery.
Let me just see what else we’ve got to do – there is something else here. I’m just going through all the floors. And, Verna is on the bottom floor. What is she doing there? She is showing me her experience. Basically you start off at the bottom floor and you end up moving to the top floor and then you are free and you can go from there.
So she ended up on the bottom floor and what she felt right away was she had this huge connection with all the people on earth. She knew what she had done, going around to visit all these people and leaving these green buffers there. suddenly it was like being alone you suddenly got a totally new group of friends.
She said as an example – “Imagine if we were sitting living together in Palm Lakes, and then suddenly everybody we knew moved to England and we didn’t know anybody and then you and I moved and she was just left alone. That’s the sort of feeling and she said you know I first of all thought that you know going to the other side it would be just all you know happiness and so on and I end up like this and I feel this this loss and which is why she’s in the bottom corner just arrived. She said I was feeling this last night. I couldn’t understand why. And then they came along and they explained and there was a group of them in front of me and they sort of put this information in me saying you need to understand and let things go. We can’t just change you to happiness etc. You’ve got to understand the whole process. But now you’re here and you’ll get to meet all your friends and all your staff and all the good stuff but first you have got to let go of things and you have to understand how it all works so that you can let it go. And she said but I understand all of that and they said yeah but it is alright thinking it now you have got to experience it. And they made her basically look at everybody and let everybody go. And to do that they were saying, you’ve got a connection with every single person there and you can go back and you can visit any person there. So we’re not taking you away from all these people. What we’re doing is separating you for their good. Not for yours, for their good. Because they have to go through their grieving and loss and so on.
You know you can go back and visit as much as you like once this has been done, but you cannot continue until it has been done. And she said, alright, that sort of makes sense and then she said once that was done it was like not so much tears but as if you really miss somebody but then they mixed that missing somebody with just an extraordinary amount of love and that love was what everybody had for Verna. So she felt this enormous amount of love and that was like then it’s okay.
I know where I am. I know they’re okay. I know I’m okay. I know I can visit as often as I want to and I know I can do a lot of good things up here that I couldn’t do down there and it just got better and better. And then she looked around and she saw everybody else doing the same thing. So she said to all of them, no it’s okay, this is what you have to go through, I know I’ve done it.
And she started to do her Bruno thing and then she just moved up across to the fifth floor. When she got to the fifth floor she said, right, done my bit now, I’m out of here, what next, what next? And she just started to move on from there and she’s just been carrying on from there ever since. But that is something which you probably never thought about because you haven’t experienced it at that level. But the separation has to be understood for them to let go. Now a lot of people come over here, they get into the hospital bed if you like, and they’re missing these people horribly, and the people are grieving, and they can feel all that energy. And it takes them quite a while to understand. What sinks in is, I’m here, I’m now alive, I’m fully functional, I can change my body, I can change my age, I can create things with my mind and things get better and better and better. Little things that we give them to make them feel better, to make them understand it and it takes quite a bit to get them to really, to get it to sink in that I’m now in what we used to call heaven.
And then they sort of look back on earth and they see what they are doing here compared to what is happening on earth and they are thinking well that is just so, I have moved on. And there are various ways that we get information across to them to help them to move on, depending on what scenario they have been through. I mean if they’re killed in an accident it’s a sudden shock and then they don’t know what to do and they panic when they get here and so on. So there’s all these different variations and then of course you’ve got all the different religions as well……………..