1121 What happens when you cross over part 3
Guide: There is one last thing I would like to explain. On earth you get your extremes. Let’s say the extremes from bad we will call zero and good we will call 100. And so when you experience something, it will go from zero to 100 and down to zero and up again and so on. So you experience all the different possibilities. And you’ll experience some very nasty things, some heartaches, some disasters, some losing people, all sorts of things which are really painful, harmful, heartbreaking and so on. Now on our side, we don’t need that anymore. That is your basic learning platform. We’ve already been through all of that. So on this side, instead of going from naught to 100, we would go from 40 to 60.
That’s all. So it’s all much much nicer. There’s no huge dramas because we understand more. When you understand more then you can create more. You see a better picture about the best way to solve different things.
So, it’s far more enjoyable over here. But once you live at that level for so long, being and enjoyable, it becomes in a way a little sort of mundane.
And you think, well, let me try another life and I’ll just go from zero to a hundred again. I’m sure I can do it this time. Let’s do something really drastic. And off you go and you do it.
The nice part about it is there’s so many things for you to learn and experience up here. You’ve learned from a planet called Earth and know the operations. You’ve been to other planets, but they’re not in your current memories at the moment. But all these different planets, they expand and they evolve in different ways. And what you see on Earth may not exist at all on a different planet. They evolve in a different way. And so once you’re here from Earth, then you can start looking at all of those. You get some memories back as well and you see the amazing thing that happens at that planet over there and that planet over there and you can, you suddenly your consciousness just expands and what you know here is 1% of what there is to learn.
Lastly, you know that we oversee Earth, we oversee a group of planets, we oversee galaxies and so on and so on. So the last thing you do when eventually move up the levels you start to become like us and meet those at a higher level. to understand quickly what they went through and what they can teach you in literally a matter of seconds.
But that is a long, long way to go yet. You have many more enjoyable things to take care of. On that note, I’m going to say thank you very much for listening once again. It’s been a pleasure to come and talk to you once again. I will say good night. Thank you.
Sharon: That was amazing. Thank you and good night.