1123 How energy in Churches can help control the religion
Geoff (Guide)
This is just another form of what we call religious energy. If you go back to the 10th century for example, where you had the lords looking after estates and they had people working on their estates who were the peasants if you like. And sometimes when you had a local church, the lords and ladies would sit right at the front and they’d be special and then the workers, the peasants, would sneak in at the back and that’s where they were supposed to be. Now that created an energy of exactly that, that the Lords and Ladies were the strong ones in the religion and the ones at the back were the weak ones. How did they feel? They felt that the religion wasn’t really for them, but it was all they had. There weren’t a whole variety of religions in those days. And because everybody else went, they went as well. Only when it was available. A lot of places didn’t have churches at all.
That’s different.
Geoff (Guide)
Well, it’s comforting. It’s like a child and parents. The child has to have parents to look up to. And they’re the safety people. I want my mummy, so if something goes wrong. It’s the same thing with a religion. When, at whatever stage you’re at, whenever you’re born, your parents tell you all about religion and this is a church to go to and there’s God and there’s Jesus who died for your sins, and all these sorts of things. What this does is it elevates your thinking of religion as being something very mighty and grand, and holy and special. And therefore when you go to church you give off this energy of donating something of yours which is so special to this church. It’s the same as the energy in the church that builds up, sort of followers of the church, get more and more pleasure, satisfaction, every time they go, because they’re getting more of this very special energy.