Spiritual Dictionary

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1125 Myanmar’s turn to start with the change

1125 Myanmar’s turn to start with the change

Geoff getting “Instant understanding”

These are the Maringa people in Myanmar.  They were targeted a few years ago and driven out by the local army.  The army just went in, they stripped all the villagers, they chased the people out, they chased them over the border. A lot had to just scream for their lives. There was mass deaths, mass rape, mass pillage, mass everything. And a lot of them went across the border to…   India, Pakistan. Anyway, they have started to come back and they are coming back very warily because this could happen again. Now, I suppose Christians and Muslims together???

Now this is the second area that is starting, that will start to regrow in a much much stronger way. The reason it’s happening this way, as you can say, they need to create an example, from my environment, about how two religions can coexist, which is Christians and Muslims. When they see that happening in an area which has a history of unrest because of those two religions, and they’ll see that it is possible and that will start to spread to the rest and that will start to calm down the constant vying for power and for one to dominate the other.

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