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1520  New energy to balance nature (Part 2)

Now, I’ve got one person who seems to be in charge of the ocean. And the ocean is changing quite a bit. They’re showing me 100% of the ocean. Around the outside, the 10% is now dirty, if you like, and the rest is okay. So, with all this tremendous amount of energy. It’s very simple to change. It’s fairly simple to absorb the negativity. That’s not quite right.


S: You see, water is the conductor of all the negativity, so it’s very easy to transfer.


G: Yes, you are quite right. So, the negativity going down into the sea is slightly better because you’ve got this better energy that goes into the sea, and that goes into the sea from all directions. So, the sea itself is going to be that little bit cleaner, a little bit healthier, and it will start to regrow your coral reefs, to restock fish, to increase the breeding of fish. If it just increases 1%, you’ve got such a vast area, it’s going to create literally millions more fish.


S: Yeah.


G: So, that cycle will improve dramatically. That will help with the world’s food problem, and getting everything back nicely on track. Okay, that’s very good. And he’s quite happy with that.



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