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1605  Creation of different planets and the variables incl Arcturians

In this meditation Geoff (G) starts seeing and sensing. Sharon (S) comments. A Spirit (Spirit) takes over and gives the talk for the evening.


G: They are showing me some very old books, which is history, about the past and these aliens and the beginning of different planets. They show me the books are very heavy, heavy physically, which may mean a lot to go through. I would find it very difficult to pick up all of these books. It’s like a whole set of encyclopedias, but a lot bigger. And I can take one and put it on one side and so on to get down to the bottom of where this started.


So, I’ve now taken all the books away from either side, and I’m looking at what’s underneath. And what’s underneath looks like, looks like one of these stove tops with those spiral rings. A couple of additional bits and pieces in there. And these are memory rods.


Spirit: Before history can really be transcribed, taken down, etc., we need to create the foundation for all the planets, and how each will develop. Now we know each will develop in different ways, but what I mean by that is that we need the growth to start.


S: A foundation, yeah.


Spirit: The foundation, yeah. From all the galaxies, and there’s far more than you can imagine, they all start in slightly different ways, but they all start with the basis of changing from the gases on the planet to a life form, what you would call a life form. But there are many different types of life forms, not just physical, as you see now in your planet. There can be one started simply in a, what would you call it, in a different dimension where physical is not needed.


S: An energy form.


Spirit: Yes, pure energy. So that was one of the many that was started. There are so many, but let me not digress. I want to get back to the basis of the whole thing. So if you can imagine, and I’ll just talk as if I am the overseer of everything, just to give you the understanding of how things develop.


So, right in the beginning, we create a foundation, and we let everything start to bubble and grow and co-create. At that stage, it’s not really necessary to keep records, because they mean very little. I mean very little to you, because you’ve progressed so far. You don’t need to know how microbes, bacteria and so on grow and so forth. You only want to know, really, from when they were able to think, basically, as you do.


Now, you’ve learnt in the past few weeks that right in the beginning, the initial stage, again, we don’t need to go back to you, because everybody has learnt them throughout the universe. Everybody has started and taken those steps, and we all understand them. So we’re going to take this scenario from when life, as you know it, started to be created, and that is living species with the ability to think.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: And we’re going right back, really, to the animal stage. Now, not every planet started at the animal stage. Some went straight into a human, what you would call human stage, others into different stages. And when it comes to colours and limbs and the ability to think and IQ and emotions, there are so many different things, it’s just way too much.


So, we need to see how everything grows so that we can see the picture. Now, what we’re seeing from up here is the same as you’re seeing on your planet at the moment, where you can understand, where everybody is working at different levels and everybody is growing and progressing. So when we look over the whole universe as such, we see exactly the same thing.


So, getting back to your question about what happens, and it’s only really in your galaxy that you’re looking at this. The entities, the aliens you would call them, are in the different stars in your galaxy, are what you would call close by. You won’t need to discuss any alternative or foreign, other galaxies, although some of them have come and visited you and spoken to you in the past. So, we are going to look at your particular galaxy here.


So, as it started, so many started to progress. A lot of them were simply failures, so with a failure we have to basically remove the complete, or recall if you like, all the souls, and start again. Whether we just go back a few years and restart that planet again, or whether they all cross over and then start again on a different area. So, all of this happens.


Now, some of them, if you take your planet here, you’re trying to move to, physically you were trying to go to the Moon, to go to Mars and different planets that way, but there are a lot of people, souls on your planet, that are far more experienced, that can already go to other planets.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: Now, if you were so advanced and you went to another planet, you could basically do the same thing. So, the Earth will start a little bit later than the other planets, a lot of them. So, the other planets are more advanced in their specific way, not necessarily in the human way that you have. So, they’ve each developed their own way, they’ve each developed their history of how they are evolving. And exactly the same as on Earth, your history is specifically for Earth.


There shouldn’t be interference from other species, but of course there always will be. Now, some of them have tried to, or have even achieved, coming here and intermingling with the souls on this planet. So, let’s imagine that your higher self, you’re with your higher self at the moment, and you’ve learnt, let’s say, as much as you have now, and let’s say you cross over tomorrow and you’re upstairs and you’re thinking, what do I do next? And you’ve heard of this planet Arcturus, where they work without emotion and you think, I’d like to try that. And you will then go over there and be born there as a soul, but it won’t be with the history of that particular planet, it will be with the history of the Earth where you come from.


So, it’s going to be quite different from you to experience it over there. So, what you will try and do is, when you’re over there, say, well we did this on Earth and that should be done over here, but it’s not in their progression, it’s not the way they should be evolving. It’s something else to add into the mix that they can try maybe and so on, but it’s a bit of an interference.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: But we cannot stop free will, and here on Earth you have these various species that have come to Earth at various times for several things. You were talking the other day about the Mayans and the Incas and so on, how they came from different planets to try and start a species here using a different form of knowledge, using the knowledge that they had, thinking, would it work here on this particular planet? And one of the main reasons it didn’t work on this planet is because this planet is evolving in a totally different way than they were evolving.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So, where you get these groups of people here at the moment that are, they call themselves Starseeds, they are from other planets, a lot of them are genuinely from other planets, and they decided to reincarnate here. A lot of them, however, are followers of that particular religion, for want of a better word.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So, what should you do in your situation when you come across people like this? How do you handle them, and how do you get them to integrate with you? Do you get them to follow your methods, or do you follow theirs? Now, it’s the same as with a religion. You believe in your religion; they believe in their religion. So, never the twain shall meet, but what you can do is simply plant the seeds.


Everybody wants to learn more, and it is quite possible that a Muslim can learn from an Aborigine, or vice versa. So, it’s a matter of planting the seeds, and certain things make sense. Now, one of the major problems you have is your broken telephone system. On your planet, you have so much misinformation, which is carried over from one generation to the next.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So that the new generation that are now preaching this history, this religion, they believe it so much, but it is false. They don’t know it’s false, because they believe what they have been told. You need to experience to be able to 100% believe. The rest is just calculations. You would believe, for instance, your mother, if she told you something, but then again, she could have been given the wrong information, and she believed it 100%. So, the only person you can trust is yourself.


S: That’s right.


Spirit: And that’s where your gut feel comes in, your instincts, and so on.


S: That’s right. What feels heavy and what feels light.


Spirit: Yes, and that is the way that you will progress through all of this information. Now, that is the reason why a lot of the, we will call them spiritual religions, are not teaching, but what they are doing is pacifying. They are saying, we can help you get rid of your karmic debt, we can help you get rid of your problems, we can help you financially. And all they are doing is getting people to pray to them, basically.


S: Yeah, And a nice way of putting it to someone is, if someone is trying to educate you or teach you, and they take you outside of yourself, that is not experience. If someone takes you and educates you to experience something inside of yourself, that is where your true knowledge lies.


Spirit: Yes. That’s very true, very wise. So, all this information in different planets is basically only suitable for those planets, and those overseers of those particular planets.


S: Yeah, That makes sense.


Spirit: Now, as you know, we oversee a group of planets, so we can see all of this interaction. And what percentage, if you like, of this one species is on different planets, different dimensions.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: Now, to move forward, you will have to acknowledge that these species are there. The more you can learn, the more you can understand them, the better. And it is not to say that your thinking is right and theirs is wrong. They are both right. Although we would see them as being slightly misguided in trying to come here and change us. But in the same way, we are trying to talk to them and change them. So, it’s a matter of planting seeds.


So, this is only going to sort itself out once humanity gets down to the basis of honesty and truth. Once honesty and truth can surface in a small area, it will start to expand. But people will then see the positiveness that comes with it, and they will help others expand and accept it, and so it will grow from there. But, we are a long way from that, unfortunately.


S: Yeah, we have to drop judgement as well, otherwise it doesn’t….


Spirit: Yes, you cannot judge.


S: That’s a huge thing on planet Earth.


Spirit: Mmm. So, what you need to do now is simply plant seeds, experience more, learn more, and just spread the word more. And as we have talked about many times, the butterfly effect of what you do get will get out there.


S: Yeah, shew.


Spirit: Now, where you get the Arcturians, for example, being reincarnated here. They are reincarnated in an earthly physical, and their soul…. Now, remember when you come down, when you choose a life, when you come down, you put on certain bodies, your memories, your ethereal body, your spiritual body. And what you put on to come down here, if you are an Arcturians, for instance, you have to leave all the arctician bodies behind. Put on your earthly bodies, earthly memories, to come down here, to be born as a human being.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: Now, when people now look at their past and they maybe contact their higher self, and when they realize that they are from a different planet, then they will understand how they must act down here. They are here purely to gather information, to get more experience. But the problem lies when one person here will contact, let’s say, a guru who claims to be an Arcturian archangel, or whatever it might be, and they will say, well you are this, and you are that, and you must do this, and this is how it works. And the people then, are then convinced that they have found the Holy Grail, and this is the way to go. Because it is so much higher, they assume it is so much higher than the single planet that they are on. It is a confederation of different planets, so that must be better, and that is the way they consider it.


So, when they go back to the other side, they will become aware once again of what they have done and what they have experienced, and that will all go to their higher self. Now, let’s take your situation. Is your higher self just from an earthly planet, or have you lived on other planets as well?


S: Mmm.


Spirit: Mmm. So, your higher self can maybe send one to that planet and one to this planet.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: So, what you chose to do on this particular earth is what you will do. Does that make sense?


S: Yes, it does, yeah.


Spirit: Now, we’ve put all the books back together, and we will look at this as a whole. As you progress through higher levels, higher and higher levels, you will need experience of various planets, of growing and learning in various planets in various ways. But there are so many different ways, and there are no ways that you can understand all of them.


So, on your journey upwards, through all the levels, you will go through many, many different, let’s call it, species, where you will visit many planets and learn and understand and progress. As you get higher, you will understand how all these planets come together, because as we have seen in this particular scenario, where all is one, the same is at a higher level, when all the galaxies, if you like, are together, and all the times are together, and still all is one, because all ends up as one overall energy, which you could call the Creator, learning on every single level and moving upwards and evolving at the same time, so the Creator is evolving with everybody else at the same time. So we are all part of the Creator.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: OK, the books are being put away. The books have been like downstairs in a vault. Now I go up the stairs into the sunlight, and I am looking at the future of this particular planet, time zone, that we are in. So I am looking at the next 30, 40, 50 years on this particular planet and how it will develop. There will be a lot of changes. This is not anything that you need to know at this stage, but just out of interest. There will be a lot of changes, there will be a lot of progress, everything will continue as we see it, etc. There will be certain influences from other species on different planets which will come and go.


Some will be beneficial, some won’t, and of course this all fits in with having a positive and negative and the middle, as we progress, but it is a very small percentage. The majority of the people on this planet are basically uneducated as to how spiritual life works, understanding life after death and so on. Probably more than 80% are simply continuing to evolve at a much lower level than we are discussing at the moment.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: And they will be part of this change, and that change will start, more and more people will become spiritually aware, and then growth will continue and so on and so on. So, that’s a long time into the future.


S: Mmm.


Spirit: I think that helps to calm your mind as to how to progress from here and how to handle all the different species that are around. And we will introduce you to some of them in the future, just for reference, so you can see basically what they look like, how they live, and understand how they have developed over a long period of time. Because you can see how your Earth has developed over a long period of time, and it is going to be interesting to see how they develop.


S: Yeah.


Spirit: And you have had a couple of experiences where people from different species have visited. You had one the other day where there was no emotion.


S: Yes, that was the funniest meditation we’ve had, or yet.


Spirit: No, Handy was definitely the funniest.


S: Definitely, definitely.


Spirit: Okay.


S: Thank you for that.


Spirit: Thank you, and I will leave that there for this evening.


S: Thank you, and good night.


Spirit: And good night.







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