Spiritual Dictionary

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Light Languages with Michel Billson WhatsApp 081 027 4749


Michel has studied a diverse range of spiritual modalities, including Reiki, Mysticism, esoteric wisdom, Dimensional Wording, and Energy Healing. She brings over 20 years of experience in channeling and working with Light Languages & Codes.   

Cell: 081 027 4749   eMail: Risingwomananatomy@gmail.com

What are Light Languages?

Light Languages, also known as Sacred Languages or Star Languages, refer to forms of communication that transcend traditional human languages. They are believed to be:


  1. Multidimensional: Operating on multiple levels of consciousness.
  2. Energetic: Encoding and transmitting spiritual energy.
  3. Symbolic: Using symbols, glyphs, or sounds to convey meaning.
  4. Vibrational: Resonating with specific frequencies.
  5. Universal: Accessible to all, regardless of linguistic background.


Types of Light Languages:

  1. Ancient languages (e.g., Sumerian, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Ancient Aramaic, American indian).
  2. Angelic languages (e.g., Celestial, Angelic script).
  3. Star languages (e.g., Pleiadian, Arcturian, Lemurian )
  4. Galactic languages (e.g., using mathematical or geometric codes).
  5. Soul languages (personal, intuitive languages).


  1. Spiritual growth and awakening.
  2. Healing and energy transmission
  3. Interdimensional communication.
  4. Activating DNA and cellular memory.
  5. Accessing higher knowledge and wisdom.
  6. Reactivate Original Soul Blueprints


  1. Lightworkers using sacred languages for healing and activation.
  2. Channelers receiving messages in Light Language.
  3. Artists creating symbolic art and writings.
  4. Sound healers using toning and vocalizations.

How to work with Light Languages:

  1. Meditation and intuition.
  2. Study ancient languages and symbolism.
  3. Practice vocalizations and sound healing.
  4. Connect with like-minded individuals.
  5. Trust your inner guidance.


  1. Deepens spiritual connection.
  2. Enhances intuition and inner wisdom.
  3. Facilitates healing and energy transmission.
  4. Expands consciousness and awareness.
  5. Fosters unity and global understanding.


  1. Intellectual understanding vs. heart-centered resonance.
  2. Language barriers and translation limitations.
  3. Skepticism and doubt.
  4. Cultural and historical context.
  5. Integrating Light Language into daily life.

Embracing Light Languages can:

– Deepen your spiritual connection

– Enhance intuition and inner wisdom

– Facilitate healing and energy transmission

– Expand consciousness and awareness

– Foster unity and global understanding

Approach Light Languages with an open heart and mind and explore their transformative potential.

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