MIKE – BLOCKED ARTERIES – 1990 By SpiritualDictionary.com
Verna – I have been told by the person who joined me in prayer, that we must give Mike some healing now, he has got hardening of the arteries in his left leg, and he is going to have a bypass operation so they are going to take an artery from near his spine, and it is like a 5-week recovery period. And I think if we just concentrate on him spiritually and give him enough will power to fight it – he has to have the operation, there will be no healing of the leg but we can help the operation, or help him through it.
Geoff – I have got exactly the same but he has to go through this operation, we can’t fix it beforehand as he hoped. The damaged area is in the left groin and going on the inside of the left leg, and they are going to graft a new artery in there but mainly it is a lesson to Mike to understand that he must learn to appreciate what he has around him, and it will be a shock to his day to day life, that he is having to give up the work which he does and go in the hospital for several weeks and recover etc.
What it will do to him is give him a different outlook on life afterwards and his understanding of day to day life will come back to him. He is totally absorbed in what he does, and this is just a lesson that he must go through. It is also on the base of his stomach in the bladder area, there is something there, I am not sure if that is also a damaged area.
Verna – It is like a big black blob.
Geoff – Yes, it is also a damaged area, the artery where it ends towards the base of the spine and goes down the left leg is also damaged, it is not just the leg. And this they will find out when they operate, and I am not sure whether they will fix it there and then or have to repair it later. I think they will clean it, because it is like scale in the pipes, or fur in a kettle.
I can see them squeezing this artery, and where it has hardened they are squeezing it to loosen it. They hope that this will fix and if it doesn’t they will have to operate again.
It will be a very serious time for Mike because the second time I can see two stages, one at about 5 weeks and then one at about 9 weeks which is over Christmas, he will be a in a very black depression, but at the end of it, it lifts dramatically and quickly as he realizes that life is not meant to be the way he is living and his attitude to life will change and I see him smiling again at the end of January and beginning of February, it is funny that these dates are so clear, it is something that he must go through and we must just leave it there, everything is in hand, he will be well looked after, there is no need for concern or worry, it is a lesson which will be over far quicker than he realizes, but it is essential, and we must now leave him.