Spiritual Dictionary

we are a free teaching website based on first-hand experiences and insights from spiritual teachers on the other side.
it shows you where we are all going and how to get there.


Alan Wade and Cindy Preston are Award Winning an International Best Selling Authors, Guiness World Record Holders, Certified Master Practitioners of NLP, MER, Hypnosis and Reiki Masters. They bring 30 years of combined experience working in the Addiction and Mental Health Field. Their coaching company, The Magic Within, is dedicated to empowering individuals to tap into their inner magic and positively transform their life. 

You can reach them at www.tmw.coach, tmw.coach@gmail.com

705 477 7857 Cindy, 705 698 2437, Alan

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method that helps you understand how your mind works and how to use that knowledge to create positive change. “Neuro” refers to the way our experiences are processed through our senses—what we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. “Linguistic” involves how we use language and nonverbal communication to shape our thoughts and beliefs. It includes everything from our self-talk to the images and feelings we associate with memories. “Programming” refers to the patterns we have in our neurological system, like apps in a phone. With NLP, you can identify and change these mental programs to achieve your goals, whether that’s success in your career, better relationships, or emotional well-being like reducing anxiety or depression. Simply put, NLP helps rewire your thinking to support the outcomes you want in life.

Mental Emotional Release (MER) is a breakthrough technique that helps release emotions and limiting beliefs tied to past events. Unlike traditional methods that can take months or years, MER often works in just one or two sessions. You don’t have to relive or talk about painful memories or trauma. MER, combined with NLP, is designed to help people overcome deep-rooted programming, much of which is formed before the age of 7 during the imprinting phase.

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