272 Media exaggerate, but you shouldn’t |
3D to 9D |
872 Growing your confidence |
Abigail talks about the Graylands |
Adam and Eve |
Akashic records |
All about Guides |
Are Spirit truthful? |
Are we born into sin? |
Astral travelling |
Beginners question night |
Can thought forms think? |
Choosing a religion |
Clairvoyance |
Connecting with your Guides |
Dawn chanels through Verna 1993 |
Earth entities in a cave |
Everyone sees through their own eyes |
Fears |
Girl from Graylands |
How absent healing travels |
How do I believe Spirit? |
How do I find a partner |
How do I find out who I really am? |
How does a clairvoyant see your life? |
How healing progresses |
How Hell was created by Religion |
How many Bibles were there? |
How to increase your faith |
How to understand these articles |
How you think is most important now. |
Increasing faith with vizulisation |
Is it OK to be rich |
Knowing yourself |
Las Vegas |
Laughter stops worry |
Learning clairvoyance |
Learning patience |
Ledge of fear |
Lessons on belief |
Lessons on earth v Astral |
Memory rods |
My Guides won’t talk to me |
Native American Indian beliefs |
On a human note |
One of our first main Guides |
Paulene returns to say Hello |
Q and A with Verna |
Releasing energy from your body |
Release of thought forms from remains |
Seeing with eyes open |
Sequence of learning |
Should Spiritual people make a profit? |
Soul mates |
Spirit chat on Channeling |
Spiritual Development on the earth plane |
Spiritual Flower |
Start Healing |
Timeline of the Bibles |
Unconditional love |
Understand yourself |
We must stay grounded |
What are Angels? |
What is a Quija board? |
What is reality actually? By Fiona van Rensburg |
What is the opposite of God |
What is the opposite of God? |
Who am I |
Who is my Soul-mate |
Why do Spirit start with the word “Greetings” |
Why Spirit need to heal through us |
Why stress |
Why the Spiritual Dictionary was started |
Why you chose this life |
Woman priests and abortions |
Would you like to find out who you really are? |