1525 Fear of darkness and others
Spirit: Now there is another energy that you haven’t really looked at so far, and that is simply night and day. Your daytime energy is
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Spirit: Now there is another energy that you haven’t really looked at so far, and that is simply night and day. Your daytime energy is
And I’ve got Mom. She is standing there with her arms crossed. Have we forgotten a birthday or something? S: No? Why are we
In this meditation Geoff (G) and Sharon (S) are shown scenarios to sense. Geoff either talks via “Instant understanding” or one of the Guides/Teachers takes
In this meditation Geoff (G) and Sharon (S) are shown scenarios to sense. Geoff either talks via “Instant understanding” or one of the Guides/Teachers takes
In this meditation Geoff (G) and Sharon (S) are shown scenarios to sense. Geoff either talks via “Instant understanding” or one of the Guides/Teachers takes
In this meditation Geoff (G) and Sharon (S) are shown scenarios to sense. Geoff either talks via “Instant understanding” or one of the Guides/Teachers takes
Your body remembers and can re-create By SpiritualDictionary.com I did some spiritual healing on a friend’s eyes about a year ago, and it worked very
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